The China Mail.
Hongkong, Tuesday, April 23, 1935.
No. 29,015
Page 9
Scout Troops Visit Island
[From Our Own Correspondent]
Easter Day.
We had quite a good number of visitors for the Easter recess, which was favoured with perfect weather, including about two dozen scouts and their leaders. A service was held in the Assembly Hall this morning to which visitors and residents were invited. The body of the hall was well filled, the front seats being occupied by the scout troops - the 4th Hong Kong (Murray) and the 4th Kowloon (Garrison).
The service was conducted by Group Scoutmaster G.R.Ross, who spoke on "Who shall roll away the stone."
The scout camp in laid out beyond No. 33 in the west end.
Another military, but peaceful, invasion is expected early tomorrow morning. A party of soldiers, in connection with Fraternity Hut, will be here to bathe and picnic.
The previous week we had several families from Canton for the Ching Ming Festival.
The Harbour Mission boat has departed, after a stay of about five or six weeks.
The big matshed theatre has been partly demolished and a smaller one erected at Saiwan Bay.
The road to the Red Cross Hospital has been completed and the work of the Reniel Mission to the boat people continues to grow, and candidates are being prepared for Baptism on April 28.