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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Thursday, May 2, 1935.
香港英五月二號 禮拜四


No 14578
Page 7



   "A few words on the Jamborally" was the subject of a broadcast talk given last night from ZBW by Lady Southorn, Colony Commissioner for Girl Guides, and the Rev. N.V.Halward, Colony Commissioner, for Boy Scouts.
   The Jamborally is the Scout and Guide celebration of the King's Silver Jubilee, and will be held on the Hongkong Football Club ground on Wednesday, May 8 at 4 p.m. in the presence of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Peel.
   Commencing the talk Lady Southorn said:
   Good evening everybody. Mr. Halward with the courtesy characteristic of Scouts in general and himself in particular has given me the first word on the principle of "Ladies First." You may remember a less chivalrous action perpetrated by a man who was traveling in sleigh with his wife through Russia; a pack of wolves pursued them and as the leader of the pack drew level with the sleigh the man threw out his wife saying "Ladies First," I would not for a moment have you think Mr. Halward is throwing me to the wolves. No, he is merely giving me the first chance of interesting the kindly intelligent public of Hongkong in what we have to say. I trust sincerely that a substantial number of you are still listening.
   Our object is to interest you in our Jamborally of Scouts and Guides which we hope will take place weather permitting on Wednesday May 8 at the Hongkong Football Ground at 4 p.m. in the presence of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Peel. This Jamborally is the Scout and Guide celebration of the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty King George V. No two people have realised more fully the ideals of Scouts and Guides than Their Majesties who during a quarter of a century have given their unremitting and untiring devotion to service for the Empire and for their people. They are an inspiration to the two Movements.
   I will now allow Mr. Halward to get in a word edgeways and speak for our elder brothers the Scouts.

Scout Movement

   Mr. Halward said.- I would like to remind you all that the Boy Scout Movement was inaugurated in 1908 - our sister organisation, the Girl Guides' Association being founded two years later in 1910. Since those early days the Scout Movement has grown in a most wonderful way, so much so that at the end of last year the Boy Scouts of the world totaled 2,362,192. To what can we attribute this amazing growth? I think the answer lies in the words of Professor L.P.Jacks who thus visualises the method of Scouting:- "No greater educational discovery was ever made than when Baden Powell conceived the idea of utilizing the play instinct of boys their love of adventure, their devilry, and their aptitude for getting into mischief as a means of training them in courage, competence, self control, self respect, loyalty, discipline, responsibility and welding them on that basis into a world wide community. The art of turning a crowd into a community by use of the recreational method, and so converting recreation into the finest education imaginable, has no more telling example than the Scout Movement."

   Here is a story I read the other day which will give you an idea of the stuff Scouts are made of. "Eighty miles beyond Broken Hill in Australia, towards the interior where the aborigines are still seen, there is a colony of settlers who spend their lives digging for opal and other precious stones. They have wireless for a medical service, flying nurses, flying doctors and a flying parson.

   It was learnt that a sick man from the Colony was being brought into the settlement by his 13 years old son who had been a Scout. Soon after leaving his homestead he became unconscious. The boy tied him on his camel and brought him in to the settlement, but he died soon after. At dawn the next day the boy collected the camels, climber on the back of the leader and set off on his homeward trek. His only remark was: "I have got to go back, I am the only man there."

Over 600 Boys

   In Hongkong we have at present 22 Troops of Scouts and 8 Packs of Wolf Cubs, numbering well over 600 boys. We do hope that many of you will be able to find the time to come along and see them together with the Guides on Wednesday, May 8; we are doing our best to put up a good show and it only remains for you to come along and see it.

   Some of you will remember that the other night, there was a broadcast of a speech made by the Prince of Wales on behalf of the Jubilee Trust Fund which is to be the gift from all the subjects of the King who wish to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of His Majesty's reign. Gifts from a penny upwards will be received and the Prince told us that the King desired to spend the gift upon his youthful subjects, chiefly boys and girls between 14 and 18, who need open air training and recreation and healthy minds in healthy bodies. His Majesty will not create new organisations but will devote the money to those who are already trying to carry out this work and among the organisations the Prince mentioned were the Scouts and Guides. It was great to hear that, and I appeal to you all to consider associating yourselves with the Prince's closing sentence: "We must make of this Jubilee Year, not only a time of thanksgiving for a great reign, but at the same time the inauguration of even more important years in which, to an ever greater extent, the rising generation will be given a better chance."

   I have spoken far too long and I am in danger, not of throwing Lady Southorn to the Wolves, but of crowding her out altogether!

Colony Standard

   Lady Southorn said.- I feel that Mr. Halward has expressed so eloquently all that the Scout Movement represents that I need only say the Guide Movement follows in the Scouts' footsteps. There are over a million Guides of all nationalities in the world today. Whereas the Scouts naturally cover more of the adventurous side of the Movements, the Guides cultivate domestic accomplishments, at the same time sharing in the open air life of Scouting and Guiding.

   This is the first occasion in the Colony on which the Scouts and Guides have held a Joint Rally and we want to make a tremendous success of it.

   We can offer you plenty of variety. There will be a March Past of Scouts and Cubs, Guides and Brownies. His Excellency the Governor will take the Salute. There will be Bridge Building by the Scouts and a Floral Pageant by the Guides, Badge Work Displays and Folk Dancing.

   The Colony Standard will be presented to the Colony Commissioner by Lady Peel. This Standard has been beautifully carried out according to correct heraldic instructions from Headquarters. It is of blue silk and bears the Hongkong Guides' Badge and the Girl Guides Trefoil and Motto: "Be Prepared."

   There will be a Sale of Handicrafts by Guides and the work of Scouts will be on exhibition.

   The Band of the 1st Lincolnshire Regiment under the leadership of Bandmaster Griffett will play during the afternoon by kind permission of Lieutenant Colonel Boys and the Officers of the Regiment.

   The date of the Rally is Wednesday, May 8 at 4 p.m. at the Hongkong Football Club Ground at Happy Valley (by kind permission of the Committee of the Club). In the event of rain the Rally will be postponed till Wednesday, May 15. Notice of postponement will be given on the Radio at 12.30 and 1.30 p.m. on Wednesday May 8.

   But with Scout and Guide optimism we hope that fine weather will be our lot and we trust you will all wish us good luck.

   The price of admission is $1 to the covered stands and 20 cents to the open stands.

   No seats are reserved, so please come along early, the day is Wednesday, May 8 and the time is 4 p.m., the place the Hongkong Football Club Ground.

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