The Hongkong Telegraph.
Monday, September 23, 1935.
香港英九月廿三號 禮拜一
No 14694
Page 7

On Saturday afternoon, in the grounds of St. Andrew's Church, Kowloon, the troop of Scouts attached to the church celebrated their Silver Jubilee with a miniature Jamborally, followed by a tea for their numerous friends and guests.
Sir Henry and Lady Pollock, Mr. C.Champkin, the Acting Commissioner for Scouts in the Colony, R.A., the Hon. Mr. R.H.Kotewall were amongst the many well wishers of the troop, were watched the display with keen appreciation.
His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government, the Hon. Mr. N.L.Smith, sent a note regretting that he would be unable to attend, as did also Sir William Hornell, the Puisne Judge, Mr. R.E.Lindsell, and the Bishop of Victoria, the Rt. Rev. R.O.Hall. All joined, however, in congratulating the Troop on its 25th. birthday, and wishing it all prosperity.
At three o'clock, the Scouts and Cubs assembled on the tennis lawn, while Troop Leader F.Winyard broke the flag. This ceremony done, the Cubs gathered in the centre and gave their Grand Howl in the very best Council Rock style. After this, the Colour Parties marched off, and the Cubs performed their Jungle Dances, which were explained through an amplifier by Miss I.L.Woolley, the Assistant Lady Cubmaster, better known as "Baloo".
A group of Scouts next began the difficult task of erecting a signalling tower, and did the job both quickly and well. Simultaneously, another group was building a monkey bridge. When the tower was completed two Scouts climbed to the top and demonstrated its usefulness by signalling to another couple perched on the roof of the Vicarage.
A demonstration of life saving and first aid was then given by the scouts and this was followed by a portrayal, by the Cubs, of an adaptation of one of Rudyard Kipling's jungle stories.
Mr. R.Wong, the Assistant Scoutmaster, gave an interesting running commentary to an item entitled a "Cavalcade of Cubbing and Scouting," which explains itself.
An excellent tea was served and when this was concluded the presentation of badges was carried out by Lady Pollock.
King's Scout Badge
Patrol Leader L.Millington distinguished himself by obtaining the King's Scout Badge, the First Class Badge, the Green Cord (given for the First Class and six proficiency badges), and the Cub Instructor's Badge.
J.Hooi received the Ambulance and the Pioneer Badge together with his First Class.
P/L L.Millington was awarded his Rescuer's Badge, and, with P/L L.Gibson, H. and W.Hicks, the First Class Badge , C.Large was given the Cub Instructor's Badge.
When the presentation was over the Rev. J.R.Higgs, Vicar of St. Andrew's, traced the history of the Troop since its inception in 1910. He went on to say how deeply gratified the local founders of the movement would be if they could realise the roots it had taken in the Colony, and how it had grown during the past 25 years.
He thanked all those who had attended, those who had borne the burden of the work in making the function such a success, and the boys themselves. He added a reminder, however, that the real celebration would take place on Sunday, when a Thanksgiving Service was to be held in St. Andrew's Church.
An inspection of the Scouts' handicraft work was next held, and a successful afternoon was brought to a close with campfire singing.
Special Service
Yesterday morning, at 11 o'clock, a Service of Thanksgiving was held in St. Andrew's Church to commemorate the beginning of the Scout, Guide, Cub and Brownie movements in the Colony, twenty five years ago.
Besides the St. Andrew's Troop, representatives of the 4th. Hongkong (Murray) Troop, the 4th. Kowloon (Garrison) Troop, the Rover Scouts, and the 4th. Kowloon (Garrison) Wolf Cub Pack were among the Iarge congregation. The Vicar, the Rev. J.R.Higgs, officiated at the service, which, for the first time in the history of the Church, was broadcasted.
The service opened with the hymn, "All people that on earth do dwell", and while it was being sung, the Colours of the St. Andrew's Troop and Pack were placed in the Sanctuary. The special Psalms were 15 and 24, and the Lesson was taken from Isaiah 55, 6-13 and Ephesians 6, 10-17. These were followed by the Te Deum, The Creed and Responses and Collects.
The Troop hymn, "Father, who hast made us brothers", was sung by the congregation, and then the Bidding was given by the Vicar.
Then came General Thanksgiving and prayers, followed by the Grace, and the hymn, "Father, hear the prayer we offer," after which the Vicar save the Address.
Sermon to Scouts
Rev. J.R.Higgs said: This sermon is, both for our own Church of St. Andrew's and for the Scout, Guide, Cub and Brownie movements in the Colony, one of outstanding importance. Here in these grounds in the summer of 1910, in the presence of His Excellency Sir Henry May and His Excellency Colonel St. John, the Officer Commanding the Troops in South China, a previous Vicar of this church, the Rev. H.O.Spink, formed the first Scout Troop in the Colony. These celebrations then are not only to commemorate the beginning of the St. Andrew's Troop but the beginning of all the Scout and Guide work in the Colony, of which St. Andrew's was the pioneer. Yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large and distinguished gathering our boys gave us a miniature Jamborally, but this service this morning is the central thing about these celebrations for we are now giving thanks to Almighty God that, 25 years ago through the instrumentality of a Christian minister, the Boy Scout movement found foot in this Colony only two years after, it had been started in England.
For a quarter of a century (except for the period of the War) the Scout movement has been doing its splendid work amongst the boys of Hongkong and its influence for good in the life of the community is inestimable. This service thus, we think, will be long remembered, not only by those here in Church this morning, but by those listening in, as an expression of our thanks to God for a movement which has had such striking success in this Colony and which we feel sure will have still greater success in the future as the public gets to understand the ideals for which it stands.
The preacher then went on to speak of the ideals of peace, and their application to the Scout code.
After the sermon, the hymn "Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven," was sung, and followed by God Save the King. The service concluded with the Blessing.
Outside the Church the Vicar made a short inspection of the Scouts of all the visiting Troops, after which they filed off with their colours.