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Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Tuesday, September 24, 1935.
英壹仟玖佰卅伍年玖月廿肆日 禮拜弍
No. 24059
Page 7
King's Scout Appan
King's Scout A.M.Appan, Provincial Headquarters Troop, Rangoon, who arrived in the Colony early in the month plans to leave for Haiphong on Saturday. Since his arrival here he has paid short visits to Canton and Macao, being granted an interview with His Excellency the Governor at the latter port.
King's Scout Appen left Rangoon on April 17, 1933 and since then has visited Penang, Shanghai, Amoy, Formosa and Japan amongst other places. He is using a bicycle for his tour of Asia and is intending to go through China, Tibet, Afghanistan and Turkey in the near future.
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