Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Thursday, November 28, 1935.
英壹仟玖佰卅伍年拾壹月廿捌 禮拜肆
No. 24115
Page 7

Annual Speech Day
"Parents in Hong Kong realise better than in many other places that all boys are not destined for the more lucrative posts of the learned professions, but that the great majority must be content to earn an honest living in the more humble walks of life. And with this in view we have now a Commercial Department where boys are taught Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Typewriting and Commercial Law in addition to English and Arithmetic so that if a boy cannot master a second language, or learn all the intricacies in science and mathematics, he can turn his hand to more congenial subjects"; said the Rev. Bro. Matthias, the Headmaster of St. Joseph's College, when he delivered his report at the School's Annual Prize Day, which was performed by the Hon. Mr. J.P.Brara, O.B.E.
The Hon. Mr. Braga in his speech stated that he found much food for reflection in the criticisms which the Rev. Bro. Matthias has directed against the changes in the examinations.
The College Troop of the Boy Scouts had a very successful year. All were very keen in the various activities gone through. We have at present one King Scout and five First Class Scouts; many more boys hope to join these ranks before the year is out. During the year we had four patrol training camps and two Troop Camps - the last Troop Camp being in the form of Inter Patrol Competition Camp for the MacGrath Challenge Cup. The Troop won the Prince of Wales Banner.
The Cubs too had a successful year. A number of outdoor activities was participated in - hiking, swimming, camping. We have now four Two Star and five One Star Cubs in the Pack. In the rally this year the cubs put up a very good show and though they did not win the Totem Pole they manifested a fine sporting spirit.
Corporal Kelly of the Royal Marines put the classes through a very interesting course of physical exercise during the year.
I am very pleased to recall here the part the staff and pupils took in the Silver Jubilee of H.M. the King. Our illuminations were among the best in the Colony.
I wish here to express my gratitude to all who have helped in the efficient running of the school; His Excellency the Bishop for his generosity in giving us every help; Rev. Father Peter who has endeared himself to all - the little and the big - for his spiritual administrations and for his wholehearted interest in all the activities of the school; our assistant masters and especially Messrs. C.C.Quah and K.H.Lim for the very efficient way in which they have handled the Scouts and Cubs; to the generous donors of Scholarships and Prizes; the S.V.P., the H.K.B.S., and the S.P.C., for helping us to educate poor boys, and to all those ladies and gentlemen who have honoured us with their presence here this afternoon.