Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Tuesday, November 17, 1936.
英壹仟玖佰卅陸年拾壹月拾柒日 禮拜弍
No. 24414
Page 1 & 7

Donations Received
"As the result of a letter I wrote, with the approval of His Excellency the Chief Scout, Sir Robert Ho-tung is pleased to donate the sum of $1,000 towards clearing the Saiwan debt," the Rev. N.V.Halward, Commissioner, told members of the Boy Scouts Association, Hong Kong Branch, at their annual meeting yesterday. The speaker further said that a donation of $100 had also been received from a well wisher in the North.
"I ask the public to follow the lead given by Sir Robert Ho-tung and our anonymous benefactor," the Commissioner appealed.
The annual meeting was held in the Sandilands' Hut, by kind permission of the Girl Guides Association, and was well supported. Among those present were.- The Rev. N.V.Halward, Commissioner; Mr. E.Cock, President; The Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau, Vice President; Mr. D.A.Pockson, Secretary; Lt. Col. H.B.L.Dowbiggin, Col. H.C.Harrison, The Hon. Mr. T.H.King, Mr. G.R.Sayer, Mr. M.P.Talati, Rear Adm. C.G.Sedgwick, Sir Wm. Hornell, Dr. D.J.Valentine, Mr. H.S.Mok, Mr. F.G.Maunder, Pay Comm. M.K.Lawder, Mrs. T.H.King.
After the notice convening the meeting was read by Mr. D.A.Pockson, the President of the Boy Scouts Association, Hong Kong Branch, Mr. E.Cock, dealt with the annual report and commented on the various items shown. Special reference was made to Mr. A.Grad, Assistant Commissioner, through whose efforts, the speaker pointed out, the success of the campfire display was largely due.
Mr. Cock then proposed that the annual report be passed as read, which motion was seconded
by Sir Wm. Hornell.
Before passing on to the next item on the agenda, the President stated that the present position was better than last year, although it is still serious.
"The Boy Scouts are deserving of more support," the speaker said.
The Accounts were then presented and the items explained by Mr. F.G.Maunder, representing Messrs. Thomson and Company. Following the proposal by the Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau that the Accounts be passed, Mr. H.S.Mok seconded the motion.
Before presenting the resolution to re-elect or elect the President, Vice President and members of the Council for the coming year, the Rev. Halward said that this was one opportunity in the year when, as Commissioner, he was able to refer to the extraordinary help given himself and the Assistant Commissioner by officers of the Association and the Movement, and Cubs and Scouts.
"The public has had evidence of the keenness of the Scouts and Cubs at the display held last Saturday week," the speaker continued.
In particular, the Commissioner referred to the work carried out by Mr. C.Champkin, Deputy Commissioner, during his absence in Canton. Among others who were referred to by the Rev. N.V.Halward were Mr. D.A.Pockson, Secretary; the District Scoutmasters for Hong Kong and Kowloon; and the Headquarters office staff.
In bringing up the subject of the financial position of the Boy Scouts Association the Commissioner appealed for better and further support for the cause. He then made the announcement of the donations received from Sir Robert Ho-tung and the anonymous giver and stated that the future was more hopeful.
A further announcement was made that following the request of the King George's Jubilee Fund Committee that the Boy Scouts be responsible for the selling of programmes on the coronation day of King Edward, Hong Kong Boy Scouts have undertaken this job for the Colony.
"Supporters of the Movement should remember that the Boy Scouts will be selling these programmes on Coronation Day for the Jubilee Fund which is for a very deserving cause. It is a very good thing we are allowed to do this good turn and it is an honour."
Proposed by the Commissioner, and seconded by Mr. C.Champkin, the following officers were elected for the coming year:-
Mr. A.el Arculli, Lt. Col. H.B.L.Dowbiggin, The Hon. Mr. T.H.King, Mr. A.J.Lane, Esq., The Hon. Mr. N.L.Smith, Mr. Tang Shiu Kin, Mr. Lau Ping Chai, Rear Admiral C.G.Sedgwick, The Rev. Cyril Brown, Dr. G.I.Shaw, Mrs. T.H.King, Major C.M.Manners, The Hon. Mr. M.T.Johnson, Mr. W.Kay, The Hon. Dr. S.W.T'so, The Rt. Rev. The Bishop of Victoria, Mr. Li Jowson, His Honour Sir A.D.A.Macgregor, Mr. G.R.Sayer, Mr. M.P.Talati, Mr. H.S.Mok, Mr. W.N.Thomas Tam, Col. H.C.Harrison, Mr. George She, Dr. D.J.Valentine, Mr. F.G.Maunder, The Rev. J.R.Higgs, Mr. W.C.Clark, Lt. Col. R.C.B.Anderson, The Hon. Dr. R.H.Kotewall, Sir Wm. Hornell, The Hon. Sir Shouson Chow, The Rev. C.B.R.Sargent, Mr. Chan Fook Hong, Mr. Quah Cheow Cheang, The Rev. Fr. E.Teruzzi.
The Hon. Mr. T.H.King, Col. H.C.Harrison, Mr. H.S.Mok, Rear Admiral S.G.Sedgwick, Mr. Tang Shiu Kin, Mr. F.G.Maunder, Sir Wm. Hornell.
Rev. N.V.Halward, Commissioner; Mr. E.Cock, President; The Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau, Vice President; Mr. C.Champkin, Deputy Commissioner; Mr. D.A.Pockson, Assistant Commissioner and Secretary; Mr. A.Grad, Assistant Commissioner for Training; and Messrs. Lo Koon-hang and Lo Koon-kan, Treasurers.