Hongkong Sunday Herald.
Hongkong, April 4, 1937.
中華民國二十六年 歲次丁丑年二月廿三日
Vol. XII., No. 683
Page 20

The annual concert of the 1st Hong Kong Sea Scouts (The Governor's Own), in aid of funds, was held at the Sailors' and Soldiers Institute last evening, the hall being packed to the limit.
The Reverend Cyril Brown contributed to the success, by appearing as Professor Mysto, the mind reader.
The following gave generous financial and other support:- The Hon. Mr. T.H.King, Sir Robert Ho Tung, Major General A.W.Bartholomew, the Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau, the Hon. Mr. M.K.Lo, Col. Mockler Ferryman, Dr. E.W.Kirk, Sir Shouson Chow, Mr. Ho Kom-tong, Col. Harrison, Mr. Pockson, Mr. F.C.Manning, Col. H.B.L.Dowbiggin, Mr. B. Talati, Mr. M.el Arculli, Mr. Tang Shiu-kin, and Mrs. Booker, The Rev. C.Brown and Mr. Luke.