The Hongkong Telegraph.
Monday, April 5, 1937.
香港英四月五號 禮拜一
No 15174
Page 12

The 1st Hongkong Sea Scout Group (the Governor's Own) presented a very successful concert at the Sailors' Home and Seamen's Institute on Saturday last, to a large and very appreciative audience.
There were twenty items of a very varied nature, including some rousing chorus songs by the whole group, several short sketches, Chinese boxing, games by the Cubs, physical training items, tap dancing by Cub Odell and a remarkable exhibition of memory powers by the Rev. C.J.Brown, Chaplain of the Institute, who also holds office as Treasurer of the Sea Scout Group and had produced all the Scout Sketches.
The Cubs' share included sketch entitled "St. George's Good Turn" which was very well performed indeed. Amongst those who attended were the Hon. Mr. T.H. and Mrs. King, Mr. and Mrs. E.Cock, Mrs. Booker and Mrs. C.J.Brown.