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Hongkong Daily Press.

Hongkong, Tuesday, April 20, 1937.
英壹仟玖佰卅柒年肆月弍拾日 禮拜弍

No. 24543

Page 8


Hospitality For Youth

   The Coronation Accommodation Committee has received particulars of many more rooms to let for varying periods during the Coronation celebrations. The work of the committee is now mainly directed to inspecting the premises of which particulars have been received, and there is at present a good deal of modest accommodation that will be open to visitors at reasonable charges. The response to the committee's appeal has been gratifying and shows on the whole, a widespread desire to help in an urgent problem rather than to make profit out of an obvious need.
   At this stage the supply on the registers of the committee naturally exceeds the demand, but that demand will inevitably increase as Coronation Day draws nearer. The purpose of the committee appears to be well understood, but its status has apparently been confused in the public mind with that of a Government Department, for many correspondents continue to send the committee letters on which no postage has been paid.


   There will also be in London for different periods of the celebrations a great number of young visitors, attached for the most part to well known juvenile organizations. About 350 Boy Scouts from different parts of the Empire will be in London for the three days from May 11 to May 13. During that time they will have quarters in the Royal Horticultural Hall, St. Vincent Square, and for the rest of their visit they will be the guests of local Scout troops. The following parts of the Empire have already made arrangements to send contingents of Boy Scouts to London:- Australia, Barbados, British Guiana, Burma, Bermuda, Canada, Ceylon, Cyprus, Gambia, Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Grenada, India, Kenya, Malta, New Zealand, Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia. St. Lucia, and Trinidad.

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