Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Saturday, May 8, 1937.
英壹仟玖佰卅柒年伍月捌日 禮拜陸
No. 24559
Page 1

Scout Movement---
[The Editor, H.K. Daily Press]
Dear Sir,- I should be most grateful if you could find space for the insertion of this letter in your next issue.
At our last Annual General Meeting I was very pleased to be able to announce that Sir Robert Ho Tung had generously contributed the sum of $1,000 towards the paying off of the debt incurred by the purchase of our Training Camp at Chai Wan nearly ten years ago. I had hoped that Sir Robert's action would have been copied by others who realise the benefits bestowed upon the community by the game of Scouting for Boys. Unfortunately our debt is still over $5,000, and the burden of interest is crippling any chances we have of developing the Movement within the Colony especially amongst poor boys.
We are not keen on self advertising, but I should like to point out that apart from the good work being done by some twenty seven Groups under the leadership of Scouters who give their time and energy voluntarily. Scouts are carrying out two big good turns in connection with the Coronation Celebrations. In the first place, and in common with their brother Scouts throughout the Empire, they are selling the Coronation Souvenir Programme in the streets on May 12, 13, and 14. Secondly, and in collaboration with our sister organisation, the Girl Guides Association, they are producing a Rally on the Hong Kong Football Club Ground on the afternoon of May 14 which promises to provide the public of Hong Kong with a display well worth seeing.
I would like to take this opportunity of appealing to all well wishers of the Scout Movement to come forward with their gifts and help us to clear off our debt. Any contribution, however small, will be most welcome and will be gratefully acknowledged in the Press.
Yours truly,
Colony Commissioner.
Hong Kong, May 7, 1937.