Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Monday, June 28, 1937.
英壹仟玖佰卅柒年陸月廿捌日 禮拜壹
No. 24602.
Page 1 & 16

Chinese Boy Scouts Contingent
Party Also Going To Italy
Two contingents of Chinese Boy Scouts, one en route to Holland to participate in the Fifth World Scouts Jamboree and the other to Italy on the invitation of Signor Benito Mussolini to take part in the Italian Youth Camp, passed through Hong Kong by the s.s. Conte Verdi yesterday.
Upon arrival they were met by members of the First Hong Kong (St. Joseph's) Troop under the leadership of Mr. M.G.Lenz, Scoutmaster, who, after exchanging greetings, escorted them round the Colony.
The Contingent to the Italian Youth Camp went with one party of St. Joseph's Scouts on a shopping tour, after which they took a car ride round Hong Kong.
The Jamboree Contingent marched with the other party of St. Joseph's Scouts to the Botanic Gardens where they enjoyed themselves, taking pictures of the place. They then went to the St. Joseph's Scouts Headquarters, and after being shown round the school, were invited by the home scouts to light refreshments, following which they took a ride on the Peak Tram and visited Victoria Peak.
Returning to the ship they were given a hearty send off by the local scouts Mr. C.C.Quah, Hong Kong District Scoutmaster, was also present.
The following is the contingent to the Fifth World Scouts Jamboree in Holland which will be held in Vogelinzang (a vast piece of ground 30 minutes train from The Hague) from July 31 to August 13. They hope to tour some parts of Europe before returning to China.
Leader: Rev. Yen Chia-lin.
Assistant Leader: Mr. Hsu Kwan-yu.
Scouters: Messrs. Chen Pang-tsai, Hsu Kong-min, Chang Chi-yao, Hwang Cheng, Kiang I-man.
Scouts: Tong Hu-min, Pang Chu-hsun, Hwang Chen-pin, Tseng Shen-cheng, Woo Shyan-sen, Lee Jun-tsai, Ha Yu-wen, Yeh Dah-wha, Lee Chieh. Hwang Chi-chang, Tse Yan-sing, Chiang Shik-pak, and Ma Se-ying.
The following is the contingent to the Italian Youth Camp:-
Chief Commissioner: Prof. J.W.Tsang, Ministry of Education, Nanking.
Assistant Commissioner: Prof. T.T.Yuen, Government Central University, Nanking.
Senior Patrol Leaders: Wu Yao-lin, Tso Yung-fang.
Lion Patrol: Kao Tsun-feng (P.L.), Cheng Hsin-ming (Second), Ho Shao-hsu, Wu Tsoo-yi, Yuan Yao-chih, Shen Ting-huan, Wang Cheh-hsien, Chang Kau-shing.
Tiger Patrol: Li Ping (P.L.), Loo Cheng-leh (Second), Yang Kwung-hsien, Li Ping-cheng, Tang Shao-yao, Lo Yung-tang, Liu Ti-huan, Chang Kuo-chen.
Panther Patrol: Tu Pi-ching (P.L.), Chien Wen-tseh (Second), Wei Tao-hsu, Chang Chuan, Hsiang Shao-yao, Chang Wen-tueh, Han Keh-ping.
The above contingent was invited by Mussolini to stay in Italy at least for one month. They hope to visit some parts of Italy before returning home.
The above two contingents were the pick of all the scouts in China, having passed a very thorough examination in the practical usefulness of scouting activities.
In an exclusive interview with a "Daily Press" representative, the Chief Commissioner, Mr. J.W.Tsang, expressed his appreciation of the cordial reception given by brother scouts on his visit to Hong Kong. He asked our reporter to convey through the medium of our newspaper his message of goodwill and friendship to the inhabitants of this Colony, for he left with happy memories of his delightful visit, grateful for all that the scouts and others had done for him with regard to helpfulness, adding that he hoped to pass Hong Kong again before returning to Nanking.