Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Saturday, July 10, 1937.
英壹仟玖佰卅柒年柒月拾日 禮拜陸
No. 24613.
Page 9
Lord Baden Powell, the Chief Scout, who has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Scout Movement and to coincide with the Fifth World Jamboree, to be held in Holland this summer, a book has been published recording the achievements of this world wide league of youth. It is entitled Scouting Achievements, and is published by Putnam, Ltd., at 8/6. The author is Beresford Webb, Editor the "The Scouter" and "The Rover World."
There is a chapter devoted to Scouts' work in the preservation of the countryside and another account of Scout explorers.
Perhaps one of the most interesting chapters relates the birth of Scouting in many countries of the world, of that good turn by a London boy which gave Scouting to the United States.
It is a mighty travel book, taking its readers into all parts of the world and every page is a monument to the work of one of the best loved men in the world - Lord Baden Powell.