The Hongkong Telegraph.
Tuesday, November 30, 1937.
香港英十一月三十號 禮拜二
No 15376
Page 4
Makes For Good Citizenship Says Mr. Cock
Many Awards Presented
Thanks to well wishers of the Hongkong Boy Scouts Association for support, and an appeal for further assistance, were expressed by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Geoffry Northcote, at the annual meeting of the Association in St. John's Hall yesterday. A feature of the occasion was the presentation of the Silver Wolf to the Rev. N.V.Halward, Commissioner, Scout. He was supported by Mr. Halward, Mr. E.Cock, (President), Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau, (Vice President), Mr. Cyril Champkin, (Deputy Commissioner), Mr. D.A.Pockson, (Secretary), and Messrs. Lo Koon-hang and Lo Koon-kan, (Treasurers).
Others present included Hon. Mr. N.L.Smith, Hon. Mr. R.H.Kotewall, Hon. Mr. T.H.King, and Mrs. King, (Commissioner of Girl Guides), Commodore E.B.C.Dicken, Rev. J.R.Higgs, and Mr. F.G.Maunder.
Proposing the adoption of the annual report Mr. Cock declared that it spoke for itself. Definite progress had been made during the year. Appealing for support, he said the Boy Scout movement made good citizens, and if ever the world needed good citizens, it needed them today.
The proposal was seconded by Mr. King and passed unanimously, as was the statement of accounts.
Mr. D.J.Sloss, Vice Chancellor of the University, and Mr. A.E.Pratt were elected members of the Council, and the following were reelected.- Mr. A.el Arculli, Lieut. Col. H.B.L.Dowbiggin, Hon. Mr. T.H.King, Mr. A.J.Lane, Hon. Mr. N.L.Smith, Mr. Tang Shiu-kin, Mr. Lau Ping-chai, Commodore E.B.C.Dicken, Rev. Cyril Brown, Dr. G.I.Shaw, Mrs. T.H.King, Major C.M.Manners, Hon. Mr. M.T.Johnson, Mr. W.Kay, Hon. Dr. S.W.T'so, Lieut. Col. R.C.B.Anderson, Rev. C.B.R.Sargent, Mr. Chan Fook-hong, Rev. Fr. E.Teruzzi, Mr. W.C.Low, Mr Li Jowson, Rt. Rev. R.O.Hall, Sir Atholl MacGregor, Mr. M.P.Talati, Mr. H.S.Mok, Mr. W.N.Thomas Tam, Col. N.M.S.Irwin, Mr. George She, Dr. D.J.Valentine, Mr. F.G.Maunder, Rev. J.R.Higgs, Mr. W.C.Clark, Hon. Mr. R.H.Kotewall, Lieut. Col. H.L.Murrow, Hon. Sir Shouson Chow.
A presentation of awards and warrants was then made by the Governor. For the first time, a Chinese was given Commissioner's rank when Mr. Quah Cheow-cheang was presented with a District Commissioner's Warrant. Scout Dicken Lay, of the 13th Hongkong Troop (Central Chinese) was accorded a genial "Well Done," by His Excellency when he came up to receive a Certificate of Commendation for assisting in the arrest of a thief.
After the Silver Wolf was placed around his neck, Mr. Halward said:
The criticism has been made that scouting in many cases tends to take the place that religion should hold in a boy's or man's life. First and foremost I am a Christian and a priest in Christ's Church, but I have for many years looked upon scouting as a practical means of expressing some of the great ideals for which Christianty stands. A scout does his best to help other people at all times and tries to be a friend to all. Brother scouts, you and I belong to a great worldwide movement which, if each individual member plays his part to the best of his ability and in accordance with our promise and law, will I firmly believe, help to bring about a better world in which men will learn to appreciate and understand one another instead of continually flying at one another's throats and resorting to war with all its attendant horrors. (Hear, hear).
Service and Friendship: I am proud to know that this Association plays its part in these two respects. Both corporately and individually, known and unknown, many acts of service to the community have been performed year in and year out. In this connection may I remind groups that the Street Sleepers' Shelter Society is again calling for volunteers to help in the running of shelters this winter. In the past numerous scouts have offered their services and I hope there will be many scouts offering themselves again this year.
Friendly relations with our brother scouts in South China have been well maintained during the past year, and we all hope that conditions will soon be such as to enable us to resume those frequent interchange of visits which help so much in the promotion of friendship and goodwill between this Colony and South China.
Addressing the meeting, His Excellency reminded his hearers of the old saying, "The boy is the father of the man," and declared that this was not only an idea but a fact, and that the Boy Scout movement did much to prepare for satisfactory mankind.
Mentioning that the list of subscribers had increased, the Governor tendered his thanks for all who had given their aid to the Association, and asked for further assistance in the time to come. The need for trained workers was also great, and he earnestly appealed to young men in Hongkong with experience in scouting to give their assistance. Until the Association received even more support, the movement could not achieve its full scope, especially, among the Chinese poor, he said.
Speaking to the many boy scouts present, Sir Geoffry commended them on their deserved progress and urged them to live up to the ideals of scouting.
Congratulating Mr. Halward on his award, he said it was only given for very good service, and service of an international kind. Mr. Halward had been 18 years in the Association, had spent seven of them in China, and it was hoped that he would remain for many years to come.
The presentation list was as follows:
Assistant Scotumaster's Warrants to:- Lee Kam-kong (5th. Hongkong Group), Choo Siew-hong (10th.), Fung Kim-sheung (15th.), Lau Tin-chak (18th.), Liu Ting-fat (9th. Kowloon), Wong Chee-ming (15th.).
Scoutmaster's Warrants to:- F.C.Cottee (3rd. Hongkong), Shum Yiu-kam (10th.), Jackson Ng (9th. Kowloon), David Lee (15th.), Yung Wing-tung (16th.).
Rover Scout Leader's Warrant to:- James Campbell (3rd. Hongkong).
Group Scoutmaster's Warrant to:- Quah Cheow-cheang (1st. Hongkong).
District Scoutmaster's Warrant to:- Wm.C.Low (Hongkong & New Territories South District).
District Commissioner's Warrant to:- Quah Cheow-cheang (Hongkong and New Territories South District).
Certificate to:- 1st. Hongkong (St. Joseph's College) Troop for winning first place in the Prince of Wales' Banner Competition Camp, 1936.
Certificate of Commendation from the local Chief Scout to Scout Dicken Lay of the 13th. Hongkong (Central Chinese) Troop for his smart action in arresting a thief on June 23, 1937.
The Silver Wolf to Rev. N.V.Halward, Colony Commissioner, from the Chief Scout of all the world, for his most excellent services to the Movement.