Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Saturday, December 17, 1938.
英壹千玖佰叁拾捌年拾弍月拾柒 禮拜陸
No. 25058
Page 1 & 8

No Appeal For Financial Support This Year
Boy Scouts' Association Meeting
At the annual general meeting of the Hongkong Branch of the Boy Scouts' Association held at St. John's Cathedral Hall yesterday, His Excellency the Governor, Sir Geoffry Northcote, Chief Hongkong Scout, presided, and the Vice President of the Hongkong Branch, the Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau, was in the Chair.
With His Excellency and the Hon. Mr. Chau on the platform were the Rev. N.V.Halward, Colony Commissioner, Mr. C.Champkin, Mr. F.G.Maunder, Mrs. D.Booker, Acting Hon. Secretary, and Messrs. Lo Koon-Hang and Lo Koon-kan, Joint Hon. Treasurers.
The Hon. Mr. Chau, in his opening address, reviewed the activities of the Association throughout the past year, and announced the intention of the Association this year not to make an appeal for financial support.
Mr. C.Champkin, Deputy Commissioner of the Association, speaking next, voiced his support of the Hon. Mr. Chau's announcement. Mr. Champkin said, in part, "I am glad that Mr. Chau is not asking you for money. I have always refused to look upon the Boy Scouts as a charitable institution. The principles of Scouting teach us to help those who are worse off than we are. Of course, we need a little money, but we would not be good Scouts if we were not confirmed optimists, and I believe that when that need becomes urgent the public will respond as readily and generously as they have always done when we have been hard up.
"If the Scouts made any appeal now it would not be for money, but for wider opportunities of service in alleviating as much as they are able the grievous distress that is almost at our doors."
His Excellency said:-
I should like to begin my few remarks this afternoon by congratulating the Hongkong Branch of the Boy Scouts Association on reaching their Jubilee Year. I, and I am sure all other sympathisers with the Association, appreciate the action of the Council in holding back from any appeal for funds at this special time. I do so all the more as I have myself recently sponsored an appeal for funds for the very purpose which is the motive of your abstention, but I hope that when the present clouds have rolled away your self sacrifice of today will be rewarded deservedly by the generous minded of Hongkong.
I have also to congratulate the Branch warmly on the continued progress which is the principal feature of the Report for 1938. It says much for the keenness of the Branch that in such difficult times they have been able to enlarge their numbers.
The report also contains evidence of several acts of public spirit on the part of Scouts during the year which it reviews, and in this connection I would like to tell of the pleasure which I felt when on my second visit to the refugee camps I found Boy Scouts already at work helping the helpless and generally fulfilling their promise. It was a great encouragement to me as Patron and Chief Scout of Hongkong to witness with my own eyes the immediate response by Hongkong Scouts as soon as an emergency shewed itself. The people whom you were helping were perhaps unable to thank you for that work, but I know that you Scouts do not work for the reward of thanks.
Speaking with Mr. Halward just now I learned from him of the promising results which have followed from the appointment of Chinese District Commissioners; this, as you know, was a recent innovation and I am extremely happy to learn that it has proved so successful. I congratulate the two District Commissioners very heartily on the way is which they have taken up and carried out their duties.
It only remains for me to assure you that I take real interest in your work and that I trust very sincerely that next year I shall read again a report as good as that which we have adopted today. I wish the Branch all good luck in the current year and in years to come.
The Colony Commissioner, the Rev. N.V.Halward, spoke of the many good reports of the work of the Hongkong Boy Scouts that he had received during his sojourn in Canton. He announced the presentation of Wood Badges to four Scouters in recognition of the especial interest they had shown in their work.
His Excellency made the presentations of these four Wood Badges to Mr. Quah Cheow-cheang, D.C. for Hongkong, Mr. Chan Fook-hong, D.C. for Kowloon, Mr. William C.Low, D.S.M. for Hongkong, and Mr. J.J.Ferguson, Scout Master of the 7th Hongkong Troop.
The meeting concluded with the election of the Council and of the Executive Committee of the Council for the year 1938-39.
Elected to the Council were:
The Rev. N.V.Halward, E.Cock, Hon. Mr. T.N.Chau, D.A.Pockson, (Hon. Secretary), Mrs. D.Booker, (Acting Hon. Secretary), Lo Koon-hang, Lo Koon-kan. (Joint Hon. Treasurers.); Lt. Col. H.B.L.Dowbiggin, Hon. Mr. N.L.Smith, Tang Shiu-kin, Commodore E.B.C.Dicken, the Rev. Cyril Brown, Dr. G.I.Shaw, Major C.M.Manners, Mr. S.W.T'so, D.J.Sloss, Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Hongkong, Li Jow-son, Wing Comdr. A.H.S.Steele Perkins, G.F.Goodban, C.G.Sollis, Lt. Col. H.B.Rose, His Honour Sir Atholl MacGregor, M.P.Talati, H.S.Mok, W.N.Thomas Tam, Col. N.M.S.Irwin, F.G.Maunder, the Rev. J.R.Higgs, Hon. Sir Robert Kotewall, Lt. Col. H.L.Murrow, Hon. Sir Shouson Chow, A.J.Lane, H.V.Wilkinson, Hon. Mr. M.K.Lo, C.G.Perdue, the Very Rev. the Dean., Rt. Rev. Bishop Valtorta, Loo Mang-hoon, and G.S.P.Heywood, Rev. Fr. N.Maestrini and Wm.C.Low (Representing Hongkong District), and all Commissioners.
Elected to the Executive Committee of the Council, 1938-9, were:-
Commodore E.B.C.Dicken, Col. N.M.S.Irwin, H.S.Mok, Tang Shiu-kin, F.G.Maunder, H.V.Wilkinson, Hon. Mr. M.K.Lo, C.G.Perdue, and all Commissioners.