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Hongkong Sunday Herald.

Hongkong, April 23, 1939

中華民國二拾八年 歲次己卯年三月初四日

Vol. XV., No. 790
Page 7


Scout Rally Success

   For the first time in the history of the Hong Kong Boy Scouts Association, the Scouts' Promise, led by District Scout Commissioner for Kowloon F.H.Chan, was renewed in the Chinese language yesterday afternoon at the Scouts Rally for the Prince of Wales' Banner at the Diocesan Boys' School.
   English speaking members, led by Deputy Commissioner C.Champkin, renewed the Promise in the English language.
   Six hundred Scouts assembled at 3 p.m. and were inspected by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Geoffry Northcote, who was accompanied by his A.D.C. Captain S.H.Batty Smith.
   In his address to the Scouts, His Excellency spoke highly of the work done in the Colony by Scouts. His Excellency mentioned that whenever he visited refugee camps he found Scouts helping and assisting the refugees and those in charge.
   His Excellency presented a special Certificate of Commendation to the 18th Hong Kong (Cheung Chau) Troop for excellent work performed at a large fire on the Cheung Chau Island last year. Outstanding Warrants were presented to Scouters.
   Mr. E.Cock, President of the Association, and Mrs. Cock were among those present.
   Troops assembled included the new Tai Po Tsai Troop attending their first Rally.
   Troops who competed yesterday were 1st H.K. Sea Scouts, 1st H.K. St. Joseph's College, 2nd H.K. Cathedral (Catholic), 7th H.K. King's College, 10th H.K. St. Paul's College, 12th H.K. Queen's College, 13th H.K. Central Chinese, 15th H.K. Wah Yan College, 1st K. St. Andrew's Church, 4th K. Garrison, 5th K. Roving Fifth, 6th K. Diocesan Boys' College, 8th K. Shamshuipo, 11th K. Wah Yan College, 13th K. St. Teresa's Church, 15th K. Mong Kok, 16th Kowloon City, 17th K. La Salle College, 19th K. Tai Po Tsai Village, 20th K. Yiu Yeung School and 21st K. Young Men Christian Association.
   The Scouters who received Warrants were:

   Chang Chung Yan, R.Ashton Hill and Yung Wing Tung, Group Scoutmasters; E.G.Stewart, G.S.P.Heywood and Andrew Wan, Rover Scout Leaders; Lee Ching Iu and Kwok Ping Cheung, Asst. Rover Scout Leaders; Wong Tsz Shing, Cheng Tze Chau, Ralph Dorner, Chan Kwei Cheung and Faria, Scoutmasters; Robert Maycock, Lo Chi Ping, Wong Kam Pun, H.V.H. St. Bornett Lesson, L.C.Millington, R.J.Leonard, Lai Kim Hung and Lam Po Wah, Asst. Scoutmasters; N.F.F.S.Nolde and Yeung Sui Yee (Miss), Cubmasters.
   The first half of the Competition for the Prince of Wales Banner resulted as follows:
   1, St. Andrew's Church, 169 points out of 200.
   2, Diocesan Boys' School, 164 points.
   3, Shamshuipo, 163 points.

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