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Hongkong Sunday Herald.

Hongkong, August 27, 1939.

中華民國二拾八年 歲次己卯年七月十三日

Vol. XV., No. 808
Page 7



   "The Fourth Scout Law is the key to world peace," remarked Mr. F.H.Chan, District Commissioner of Boy Scouts for Kowloon and the New Territories, in a speech at the Hong Kong Boy Scouts' Combined Grand Camp - the first to be held in the Colony - which ended yesterday afternoon.
   Some 300 scouts from different troops in Victoria, Kowloon and the New Territories participated and spent a total of 50 hours in the Camp which was located on the slopes of hillsides between Beacon Hill and Lion Rock, near the Kowloon Tong Reservoir.
   The Camp opened on Friday afternoon when scouts representing different troops steadily poured into the campsite. At about 3.30 p.m. all gathered around the flag staffs and while the bugles were being sounded the Union Jack and the Chinese National Flag were slowly holstered as the assembled scouts stood to rigid attention.
   By nightfall the thickly wooded hills were transformed into a Boy Scout Town and members of all nationalities spent an enjoyable time around a huge fire, singing popular songs and playing musical instruments.


   In his address to the Scouts, District Commissioner F.H.Chan said that if people would only practise the 4th Scout Law, which says that a scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other scout no matter to what social class the other belongs, there would be happiness and peace in the world.
   Mr. Chan also pointed out that there had been very few opportunities in the past to allow scouters and scouts to come in close contact with each other. The lack of congenial social gatherings, he continued, led indirectly, to misunderstanding prejudice and false sense of superiority.
   Yesterday afternoon the Camp was thrown open to the public and many persons, including foreign ladies and gentlemen, visited the area.
   Mrs. D.Booker and Mr. G.S.Wilby assisted in conducting the visitors through the Camp.

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