The Hongkong Telegraph.
Friday, March 15, 1940.
香港英三月十五號 禮拜五
No 16097
Page 7
The topping of the thousand mark in numbers in the membership of the Scout Movement in Hongkong for the first time in its history was praised by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Geoffry Northcote, who as Chief Scout for Hongkong, presided at the annual meeting of the Hongkong Boys' Scouts Association at Sandilands Hut yesterday.
The Governor was supported by Rev. Mr. N.V.Halward, Colony Commissioner, Mr. E.Cock, President, Major C.Champkin, Deputy Commissioner, and Mr. D.A.Pockson, Honorary Secretary.
Mr. Halward arrived at the meeting just as it commenced, having come straight from the steamer which brought him from Canton.
The adoption of the annual report, balance sheet and accounts was proposed by Hon. Mr. M.K.Lo, seconded by Commodore A.M.Peters and carried unanimously.
Proposing the election of Mr. C.G.Sollis as President Mr. Cock said:
I do not think the year should be allowed to close without a reference of thanks, however inadequately I make it, to some of the many who have as usual devotedly given their time to the Scout Movement in Hongkong.
First the Commissioner standing half in China and half here who absent or present has inspired the others.
Next and Ladies first, Mrs. Booker the Assistant Colony Commissioner for Wolf Cubs and with but after her, Mr. Pockson Assistant Commissioner and indefatigable Honorary Secretary. (Applause).
The two District Commissioners, Mr. Qanh Cheow Cheong for Hongkong, and Mr. Chan Fook Hong have played great parts in the expansion there has been. We thank all of them as well as those working with them.
Today, more than I can ever call to mind, the accent is on Youth and the Youth of today is united onward by Guns or Butter, Tanks or Thanks.
We who support Scouting have chosen the gentler though no less manly way to train Youth for Citizenship.
So, when one whose profession is charged with one side of the training of children is prepared to give some of his spare time to our side I feel that we can be assured of the result.
I therefore with confidence propose that Mr. Sollis, Director of Education, be elected President of the Boy Scouts Association of Hongkong. (Applause).
Steady Progress
Seconding the proposal, Mr. Halward apologized for arriving a few minutes late. He expressed the thanks of the Association to Mr. Cock for his untiring zeal, help and advice which he had always given while President of the Association. (Applause).
"The year," he continued, "has been marked by steady progress in every way due mainly to the zeal and efficiency of district officers combined with devoted service, all voluntarily given, of Scouters. All through the year, A.R.P. work has been to the fore and the Association is now able to supply a Despatch Corps fully trained and ready to meet any demands made upon it should there be any need.
"For the last three years, it has been very difficult for me to feel that I have been pulling my weight to any extent owing to my infrequent visits to Hongkong. It is, therefore, only right that I should acknowledge with gratitude the big debt that the Association and myself personally owe to Mr. Champkin as Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Pockson as Hon. Secretary and Assistant Commissioner, Mrs. Booker, Assistant Commissioner for Wolf Cubs and all others who have so loyally carried on this wonderful work of training boys in the scouting ideal.
"Mrs. Booker, in addition to her duties as Assistant Commissioner for Wolf Cubs, has carried on for some months the work of Badge Secretary and Convenor of the Proficiency Badge Test Committee. I must also expressed a deep word of thanks to Mr. G.S.Wilby, who has been for a long time running the Scouting Gazette on the European side. We are grateful to him for bringing it to its present standard. Thanks must also be expressed to Mr. Shum Yiu-kam for his work as Chinese editor; also to the office staff. In September the office clerk, Mr. Tiu, was called away for duty with the H.K.N.V.F., since when we have called in two Rover Scouts from Kowloon, one of whom has since joined the Police Force.
"I thank also the host of friends who have acted as instructors and examiners, and the Deep Sea Scouts. I consider the Association is fortunate indeed in having such a fine team of workers and their service to the Community is rendered all the more pleasant by the fact that we realise that behind us is the backing of so many people in the Colony who realise the worthwhileness of the Scout Movement and its place in helping towards the formation of character on the right lines." (Applause).
Mr. Cock proposed Mr. T.N.Chau and Hon. Sir Robert Kotewall as Vice Presidents. This was carried.
His Excellency proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Cock for his eight years of devoted work to the Boys' Scouts Association. (Applause).
Before the Governor presented outstanding certificates and warrants, Mr. Halward called on all scouts present to come to the half salute and reaffirm the Scout Promise.
Governor's Speech
Addressing the meeting, His Excellency said:
The report on your Association's work in 1939 which I have had the pleasure of studying is one of which every Member, from the Commissioner down to the youngest Cub, may justly be proud.
The year has been far from easy for Scouting purposes. In the first place training was seriously impeded by the embarrassments imposed by the Sino Japanese War and latterly Great Britain becoming herself involved in war has led to further difficulties. In these circumstances it is greatly to the credit of the Association that there has been an increase in troops by 13, in scouts by 228 and in Troop officers by 28. The effect of that fine growth has been that for the first time in its history the Association has topped the thousand mark and I very warmly congratulate all those to whose hard work and devotion that achievement is due.
It is indeed, peculiarly suitable, at a time in our history when our duties to our King and to our fellow citizens make so great a demand on all British subjects, that the Scouts, whose Promise pledges them especially to those duties, should have thus risen in number. The fact is, I hope an indication that there is a keener spirit of service abroad among the people, evoked by the dangers which threaten the Empire, including this Colony of ours. I feel confident that were the call to come we should have invaluable help from our Scouts.
Financially speaking it is happily noteworthy that in contrast to 1938 the income of the Association for the year 1939 exceeded its expenditure, even though the latter was greater than in the preceding period. It is praiseworthy that that result was due principally to the efforts of the Association itself which raised nearly $1,200 by means of a dance. Indeed there is only one fly in this pot of soothing ointment, and that is that the item for, subscriptions fell from $1,045 in 1938 to $460 in 1939. I hope sincerely that at the next Annual General Meeting it will be possible to report an improvement in this respect on the part of the many friends of the Scouts.
It was with great gratification that I witnessed the well attended Rally of Scouts last December; it was the first for several years and the turnout did immense credit to the Hongkong Scouts Association. I hope that such Rallies will become an annual affair as nothing is better calculated than they to encourage the corporate sense which is so essentially part of Scouting.
As Hongkong's Chief Scout I strongly endorse the grateful words which the Colony Commissioner, Mr. Halward, has used in respect of Mr. Champkin, Mr. Pockson and Mrs. Booker and the appreciation which he has expressed of the valuable work of Mr. Quah and Mr. Chan, our two energetic and devoted District Commissioners. My thanks are rendered also to Mr. Cock and all the Members of the Council over which he presides so efficiently; especially I want to thank those Members who form the Executive Committee of the Council.
I wish the Association a happy continuance of its fine progress during 1940. (Applause).
Holders Of Warrants
Those who received warrants included the Rev. Fr. Maestrii (13th Kowloon), the Rev. Bro. Cassian (17th Kowloon), R.T.J.Newington (1st H.K. Sea Scouts), Lee Ching-lu (12th H.K.), Cheng Chen-huan (11th H.K.), Lee Yiu-piu (1st H.K.), Lo Chi-ping (6th H.K.), Wong Kam-pun (12th H.K.), R.J.Leonard (4th Kowloon), C.T.Large (6th Kowloon), Wu Kwok-tung (8th Kowloon), Ho Kwok-cheung (23rd Kowloon), Lum Hong-lai (6th H.K.), A.E.Job (19th H.K.), R.H.Longson (1st H.K. Sea Scouts), Miss K.L.Martin (19th H.K.), and a certificate of commendation to Scout K.Mathias (13th Kowloon), who arrested a thief.
Elections to the Council for the year 1939-40 were: The Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Hongkong, the Rev. C.Brown, the Very Rev. the Dean of Hongkong, Lt. Col. H.B.L.Dowbiggin, Mr. G.A.Goodban, the Rev. J.R.Higgs, the Hon. Mr. T.H.King, Mr. A.J.Lane, the Hon. Mr. M.K.Lo, Sir Atholl MacGregor, Major C.M.Manners, Mr. F.G.Maunder, Mr. H.S.Mok, Lt. Col. H.L.Murrow, Wing Cdr. A.H.S.Steele Perkins, Commodore A.M.Peters, Lt. Col. H.B.Rose, the Hon. Mr. N.L.Smith, Mr. M.P.Talati, the Hon. Mr. W.N.Thomas Tam, Mr. Tang Shiu-kin, Dr. S.W.T'so, Mr. H.V.Wakinson, Mr. B.B.Puckis, Mr. L.C.F.Bellamy, the Hon. Mr. S.H.Dodwell, Mr. Ko Fook-son, Mr. M.H.Turner, Mr. S.T.Williamson, and Mr. D.Wylie.
District representatives, who are also members of the Council, elected were: Mr. W.C.Low and Rev. Fr. E.Teruzzi (Hongkong), Messrs. G.S.P.Heywood and David Lee (Kowloon), and Lt. Cdr. H.Riley, R.N. (Deep Sea Scouts).
Council members present at the meeting yesterday included, besides those mentioned, the Hon. Mr. Smith, Commodore Peters, Major Manners, Dr. T'so, Wing Cdr. Sleele Perkins, Mr. Goodban, Mr. Talati, the Hon. Mr. Tam, the Rev. Mr. Higgs, the Hon. Sir Robert Kotewall, Mr. A.J.Lane, the Hon. Mr. T.H.King, Mr. W.C.Low, Mr. Quah Cheow-cheang, Mr. Chan Fook-hong, Mr. Lo Koon-hang and Mr. Lo Koon-kan.