Hongkong Sunday Herald.
Sunday, December 23rd, 1945.
Vol. I, No. 16.
Page 5
The Boy Scouts Association is making every effort to speed up the revival of scouting in the Colony.
One of its latest activities is to organize a preliminary training course for scouters.
The Association has enlisted the help of Scouters from Imperial Headquarters on the International Relief Service and some Service Scouters.
The course will begin on Tuesday, January 8, at 8 p.m. at the old City Hall Building, 1st floor, which is now the headquarters of the Relief Unit. The course will extend over a period of four weeks, on Tuesdays and Fridays. The meetings will last about one and a half hours. All interested, whether Scouters, Old Scouts, Rovers or others who were not in the movement, are requested to communicate with the Deputy Colony Commissioner, c/o 13th H.K. Chinese Y.M.C.A.