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The China Mail.

Hong Kong, Monday, June 30, 1947.

No. 33704.
Page 2


Filipino Boy Scouts Leave Hong Kong

   The patriotic fervour (and home sickness) of the local Filipino community was raised to a high pitch at the Filipino Club yesterday when, for the first time, they saw the emblem of the Infant Republic paraded by the Boy Scouts of their Fatherland.

   The occasion was the presentation of a programme of Philippine national dances and songs by the Philippine Boy Scouts Delegation to the Scouts Sixth World Jamboree in Moisson.
   The Philippine Consul expressed his pride and pleasure in seeing the Philippine Boy Scouts carrying, for the first time in their long history, their own National Colours. Their compatriots could not but be proud of the delegation.
   Dr. V.N.Atlenes declared that the local Filipino community was exceedingly happy in having the opportunity of extending to their "own personal delegates" very warm wishes for a pleasant and successful voyage.
   The sight of the visitors, said Dr. Atlenza, recalled to many of the older residents memories of many years ago in the Philippine Commonwealth, and their cherished hopes of seeing, one day, their National Colours displayed to the whole world.
   Today that dream had come true and Flag for which their forebears and leaders had fought for so persistently and fearlessly would soon be shown to an immense gathering of representatives from various parts of the world.
   The Delegation left by the "Empress of Scotland" yesterday afternoon, and were given a rousing send off by their compatriots.

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