Hongkong Sunday Herald.
Hongkong, Sunday, April 23, 1950.
No. 239.
Page 2
Governor presents awards to Scouts
Hong Kong Scouts cheered yesterday as the Governor, Sir Alexander Grantham, presented Reverend Brother Cassian, of La Salle College, with the Prince of Wales Banner for 1949/50, for transmission to the Kowloon 17th Troop.
This was the second year that the 17th Troop received this distinction, which enables them to use the title "The Governor's Own Troop."
The occasion was the annual St. George's Day Parade. More than 600 Scouts turned up.
Present were Sir Arthur Morse, President of the Boy Scouts Association; Lady Morse, and the Commissioner of Police, Mr. D.W.MacIntosh.
The Governor made the following awards:
Silver Acorn: To the Deputy Colony Commissioner, Mr. C.C.Quah.
Medal of Merit: To: Mr. Wong Yat-hung (District Commissioner, Hong Kong), Mr. Loo Mang-hoon (District Commissioner, H.Q.), Mr. S.L. de Faria (District Commissioner, Kowloon), Mr. Stephen Wong (District Scoutmaster, Hong Kong), Mr. Lai Kim-hung (District Scoutmaster, Kowloon), Mr. Shin Ka-wing (District Scoutmaster, Sea Scouts).
District Rover Scout Leader's Warrant to Mr. A.J.Tanner.
Group Scoutmaster's Warrant to Mr. J.W.Cockburn.
The band of the South Staffordshire Regiment provided martial arts before and after the presentation ceremony.
After the arrival of the Governor and Sir Arthur Morse, the Wolf Cubs, led by Mrs. J.Barnes, the Assistant Commissioner for Cubs, provided a Grand Howl in Sir Alexander's honour.
Then the Scout Law and the Cub Law were read in English and Chinese.
President's address
In his short address, Sir Arthur Morse, the President, said:
"Once again we are gathered together for our St. George's Day Parade and on your behalf I would like to express the great pleasure it gives us to have our Patron and Chief Scout with us today and I extend to His Excellency our thanks for his coming here.
"The interest taken by His Excellency in the Scouts is an inspiration to us all.
"I would also on your behalf like to express our disappointment at the absence, through no fault of his own, of our Colony Commissioner Bishop Halward, and it is our sincere hope and wish that before long he may be with us again. The absence of Bishop Halward over a long period has thrown a great deal of work on the Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Quah, and I congratulate him on the efficient manner in which he has fulfilled the manifold duties that have been his lot during the last year.
"Since we last met here a year ago the Scout Movement has continued to go ahead in the Colony and it has been a matter of satisfaction to all that you now have your own Headquarters. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you for doing me the honour of giving my name to your Headquarters.
"I will now ask His Excellency to address you."
Governor's speech
He was followed by the Governor, who declared:
"Tomorrow is St. George's Day and as you know we always try to have our annual review either on St. George's Day or as near thereto as possible. Bearing in mind the story of St. George which singularly appropriate that we should do so. Perhaps some of you are not very familiar with that story so I shall tell it to you (???).
"Some hundred of years ago there lived a good and saintly man whom we know as St. George. The country where he lived was savage and wild with thick forests, tigers, bears and snakes and brigands and other bad men. One day he was (???) (???) (???) (???) where he lives (???) (???) ......................... (???)
"It was a journey that was very difficult and arduous, apart from the fact that it was dangerous. Whilst he was going along a narrow track he thought he heard in the distance a cry for help. He listened attentively and the cry came again.
"Now what should he do? Should he continue on his way along the path which was comparatively safe, or should he risk greater danger and go and see who was in distress and help them? He did not hesitate for a moment. If there was someone in distress he must do what he could to help. After struggling through the dense thickets with lions and tigers roaring at him he finally came to the foot of a cliff.
"There above he could see someone about to be devoured by a terrible and fierce looking monster. This only made him the more anxious to help this unfortunate human being in the power of the monster. He climber up the face of the rock. Immediately the monster sprang at him.
Slew the monster
"But St. George, nothing daunted, drew his sword and fought a fierce battle, at the end of which he slew this terrible beast. He than rescued the maiden, for such she proved to be, and carried her back to her parents' home.
"Now we know for a fact that there was such a man as St. George but whether or not he actually performed the feat I have recounted to you is not so certain, put it does fit in with what is known of his character. All you Scouts should take St. George as your example and try to live as fine a life as he did and to help others whenever you can.
"In the words of the Chief Scout which he has asked me to repeat to you "Let us try to live as St. George lived and show his courage and steadfastness in the face of danger."
The occasion was marred by a slight drizzle. The Governor did not inspect the troops.
Sir Alexander Grantham, Governor of Hong Kong, is shown making a presentation to a Scoutmaster during the Annual St. George's Day Parade held at the new Botanic Gardens yesterday.- ("China Mail" Photo)