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The China Mail.

Hong Kong, Saturday, July 29, 1950.

No. 34652.
Page 11


Scouts attend conference
(By our Scout Correspondent)

   Under the direction of the Deputy Colony Commissioner for Scouts, Mr. F.E.C.C.Quah, the first of a series of monthly conferences took place recently at St. Joseph's College.
   Mr. Quah, as active with the Association as he is with the Defence Corps, decided quite rightly, that the only effective method of ensuring the complete education of a Scout in a Troop was by primarily educating those in charge. This system may have much in common with the old Army principle of "Give hell to the man immediately below you and you can rely on him to pass it on!"
   Under the application of this very effective system, 13 Commissioners and District Scoutmasters found themselves formed up in a small Troop and under instruction from chosen Instructors. Mr. Quah lectured for 20 minutes on the manifold duties of Scout Officers and how to evade the many pitfalls which lay in their paths. All points were carefully tabulated on a blackboard, notes on the lecture were issued and ample time was left for questions.
   Following on Mr. Quah's lecture the Commissioner for H.Q., Capt J.Headlam F.Z.S. gave a short talk on "Smartness in Scouting" with emphasis on uniform and the correct way of wearing it. After this the class found themselves carrying out the basic principles of Scout drill on the College parade ground under Captain Headlam, and acquitted themselves well.
   The last period of the conference was spent dealing with miscellaneous questions though it was officially denied that one Commissioner asked how to light a fire by rubbing two Boy Scouts together. It was decided that the next conference would take place at La Salle College on July 29.
   Present at the conference were Mr. F.E.C.C.Quah, Deputy Colony Commissioner, Captain J.Headlam F.Z.S. H.Q. Commissioner, Rev. Brother Cassian, Commissioner for Kowloon, Loo Man Hon, Assistant Deputy Camp Chief, Miss Lorna Sze D.C.M. Hon Che Hoy D.S.M. Raymond Yue D.S.M. Rev. Brother Cronan, 1st H.K. Troop, Mr. Law D.S.M. Lai Kim Hung D.S.M., Stephen Wong D.S.M., J.Ozorlo D.S.M., and Mr. Tanner, District Rover Scout Leader.

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