The China Mail.
Thursday, September 17, 1953.
No. 35617
Page 10

Pl Scout Chief In Hongkong
Jorge B.Vargas, President of the Philippine Boy Scouts, arrived here this morning by Pan American Airways from Japan en route to the Philippines after attending the Boy Scout International Conference in Europe.
Mr Vargas, who is also President of the Asian Games Federation, was met at the airport by a guard of honour of scouts belonging to the 11th Kowloon Group, Wah Yan College. Also present were Mr D.W.Luke, Colony Commissioner, Mr J.A.Hudson, Organising Commissioner, and Mr J.Silvey.
Mr Vargas said that one of his purposes in visiting Japan and Hongkong was to discuss the possibilities of inviting the Japanese and Hongkong amateur athletic associations to participate in the Asian Games to be held in the Philippines in May next year.
He also came here to invite scout delegates from the Colony to attend the Far East Scouts Jamboree in Manila in April 1954.
About the conference in Europe, he said that there were delegates from 36 nations who attended the discussions. Among the subjects discussed was the meeting place for the next world Jamboree, Canada being finally selected as host nation in 1955.
Mr Vargas said there were 150,000 boy scouts in the Philippines, and 50,000 girl guides. He stressed the need for promotion of friendship and greater contacts among boy scouts in Asia.