The Hongkong Telegraph.
Monday, January 5, 1914.
香港英正月五號 禮拜一
Page 4

Issue a Bright Monthly Magazine.
The boy scout movement associated with St. Joseph's College is going ahead strongly. It was inaugurated only in October last and already it has a monthly magazine of its own. Our Scouts Gazette is a bright little sheet which should greatly help to foster the movement. Scoutmaster A.J.Edwards is editing the magazine. In the first number appears the following: -
The "Boy Scout" movement was inaugurated at St. Joseph's College in October, 1913, at a lecture by Major Bowen with the result that a Troop of Boy Scouts was formed in concretion with the College. It is worked on the same principle as the London Association and has not only been affiliated with the Headquarters in London, but a personal letter of congratulation on the formation of the first troop in Hongkong has been received from the founder and Chief Scout, Sir Robert Baden-Powell. From its commencement the boys have entered into the spirit of the movement in a manner which is remarkable; their keenness in the desire to excel in all the "arts of scoutcraft" is typical of a scout whose motto is to "Stick it."
Some 80 boys of ages varying from 12 to 18 joined at once, while now the troop numbers 9 patrols of 12 boys in each. The troop is under the supervision of Major Powen with Mr. A.J.Edwards in command as Scoutmaster, ably assisted by Mr. G.E.Roylance as Assistant Scoutmaster, who is responsible for the discipline of drill, etc., while the Scoutmaster takes them in signalling exercise. We are also very much indebted to Dr. A.E.Coleman, who has kindly undertaken a course of First Aid Lectures, while Sgt. F.I.Brooks is instrumental in training the young scouts as efficient map readers. Classes for these various subjects are held at hours not to interfere with the school routine, while on Saturdays a "Scouts Exercise" is organized either under the command of the S.M. or A.S.M. Several interesting exercises have been carried out, miniature battles being fought out every well, and it is a great pleasure to read the interesting reports sent in by the various leaders of patrols.
A Smart Appearance.
The boys are equipped with a khaki uniform of correct scout fashion with hat and scarf, and present a very smart appearance, each patrol being denoted by different coloured ribbons worn on the left shoulder. In accordance with the wish of H.E. the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster (who has sanctioned the formation of troops of Boy Scouts in Catholic schools) every boy scout who belongs to a Catholic troop must wear a distinctive badge in addition, and, with the approval of His Lordship the Bishop, the shamrock with the letters S.J. has been chosen as the distinctive mark of St. Joseph's College Troop.
The Troop have already been honoured by the marked favour of appearing as a "Guard of Honour" to H.E. the Officer Administering the Government on the occasion of the distribution of prizes at the College and are ready at all times to take their part in anything that may be required of them.