The Hongkong Telegraph.
Thursday, September 24, 1914.
香港英九月廿拾四號 禮拜四
Page 4

Hongkong Troop Admitted by Major-General Kelly.
An interesting ceremony took place yesterday evening in the grounds of St. Joseph's College, when the troop of Boy Scouts in connection with the institution were duly admitted as scouts by H.E. Major General Kelly, who took the lads' promises on their honour. The old Boys' Association, who now have charge of the civil administration of the troop, must have been gratified by the attendance of officers whose presence seemed almost to lend a military importance to so singular an event. In addition to Bishop Pozzoni, there were also present Brother Aimar, principal of the College, Col. Irwin, Col. Watson, Major McHardy D.S.O. and Chief Scout Major Bowen.
The two troops, senior and junior, drawn from the past and present scholars respectively, performed their drills in a satisfactory manner, each patrol coming before His Excellency and taking their pledges through the patrol leader. The grand march past with bugle band and drums was certainly the chef d'oeuvre of the display. The band played well, the drummer twirled his sticks with the facility of an old hand, and the lads marched with a truly martial tread.
Prior to the march past, however, His Excellency addressing the Scouts expressed the pleasure it gave him to be present that afternoon and to assist in the inauguration of the troop which, he understood, had been going strong for some time. He had seen a great deal of the Boy Scouts at home and had always taken a great interest in them, and he hoped to continue to do so here. There were about fifty thousand of them at home doing useful work and he hoped that out here they would not be behind hand.
At the conclusion of the parade Major General Kelly briefly complimented them on their appearance.
Afterwards the spectators adjourned to the college, where refreshments were served.