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The Hongkong Telegraph.


Friday, May 21, 1915.
香港英五月廿一號 禮拜伍




Boy Scouts' Rally on the Cricket Ground.

   Monday May 24 is Empire Day, and this year it comes home very vividly what a day like this should mean to us all. Our thoughts most fly to those who, far away, are struggling to keep our Empire free from the tyranny of a world wide enemy; who are giving their lives, nobly and ungrudgingly to keep our flag flying, ture to our word, and in honour bearing out our promise of friendship and succour to those who have also been drawn into this struggle for existence.

   Here in Hongkong where all is peace, and where it is difficult to realise the horrors of the war in Europe, we hope on Empire Day to rally round the Flag, and show our love and respect for all it represents and to encourage the young generation to appreciate what it means to belong to such a country.

   The Baden Powell Boy Scouts will hold a rally on the cricket ground on Empire Day at 5.30. Some of our future men of Britain, in whose hands lie the glory of our nation, sons of men who are giving of their best, and who, if called upon would be willing to lay down their lives for their country, these boys, of all ages, are learning to be honourable, brave, and capable men, not necessarily in the future to become active defenders of their country, but in whatever sphere of life they find themselves, to bring credit to that Flag, which represents the honour and glory of Great Britain.

   Since the last rally, two months ago, the Scouts have grown from a troop of some 60 boys to over 100. Funds for the building of a Hall, have been given most generously, and now with so much encouragement and good will around us, each month we hope to see an ever increasing number of boys enrolled into this Empire making organisation, who are living up to their motto, "Be Prepared."

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