The China Mail.
Hongkong, Thursday, June 10, 1915.
No. 16,252
Page 4
Presentations to Mrs. Rayner.
The Committee of the Boy Scouts Association gave a farewell tea last evening to Mrs. Rayner whose efforts have done (???) (???) scouting locally. Her keen interest in the movement and the business take way in which she conducted her charge of the Peak "Cubs" troop, made her a (???) officer and it (???) that the Association should recognise her services. Two presentations were made last evening at St. Joseph's College, the St. Joseph's troop presenting Mrs. Rayner with a silver card case, while the Kowloon troop presented a bouquet in a silver holder. Scoutmaster Edwards and Assistant Scoutmaster Carvalho made the presentations, each expressing the deep regret of the Association at the impending departure of Mrs. Rayner. Subsequently the Scouts, numbering 100, gave a drill display on the College parade ground, Scoutmaster Roylance being in (???) Lady May, Commodore Anstruther, R.N., Lieut. Kennedy, Chief Scoutmaster, Lt. Col. Rayner, Hon. Mr. E.Shellim and Mr. W.Dickson were among those present. Miss Skinner succeeds Mrs Rayner in the command of her troop.