The Hongkong Telegraph.
Tuesday, April 22, 1924.
香港英四月廿弍號 禮拜弍
No 12,465
Page 1
St. Andrew's Church Hall, Kowloon, was filled last night when the St. Andrew's Troop (2nd. Hongkong) Boy Scouts gave a concert to mark the conclusion of the winter season. A feature of the programme was that it was sustained entirely by the Scouts and Cubs, songs, recitations sketches, blindfold boxing and Jungle Dances by the Cubs making up a most enjoyable bill of fare. A word of praise is justifiably due to the Scout Master (Mr. A.E.Farrell) and the Cub Mistress (Mrs. G.E.Arrowsmith) for the manner in which they had trained the boys.
The principal item on the programme was the presentation of the humorous sketch entitled
"Two Scamps" in which the parts were taken by Patrol Leader R.Wong, Second W.Whiteley, Mr. A.E.Farrell, Scout J.Hirst, Rev. G.E.Arrowsmith and Scout Mackay. The performance did credit to all concerned and was well appreciated by the large audience.
During the interval, the Vicar, Rev. G.R.Lindsay, appealed to parents and others to take an interest in the Scout Troop, saying that in the Scouts and Cubs they had over 50 boys. He felt sure that the good done to the boys by the training they received was worthy of the support of all.