The Hongkong Telegraph.
Tuesday, December 30, 1924.
香港英十弍月三十號 禮拜弍
No 12,676
Page 1 & 7

Today was prize day at the Saiyingpun School and each pupil had on his best "bib and tucker" for the occasion. The prizes were distributed by Sir Claud Severn and there were also present Mr. W.W.Hornell, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor L.Forster, Mr. Ho Kom-tong, Mr E.Ralphs, and Mr. G.P.do Martin.
The Headmaster (Mr. A.Morris) read his annual report as follows:- I have the honour to present my twentieth annual report as Headmaster of the Saiyingpun School.
Under the able leadership of Scoutmaster Kong, assisted by Assistant Scoutmasters Lam and Lau, good work was been done. Much time has been spent in the open, and successful camps were held at Sai Wan, Taipo Market, Telegraph Bay, Pinewood, and Tsin Wan. Walking excursions take our scouts far afield, and there is scarcely a place of interest on the island which has not been visited. All this makes for an improved tone within the school: among the scouts, improved health, a more robust physique, and new interest in life; and between teacher and taught, a more friendly feeling, making for a spirit of comradeship and brotherhood.
It is hoped that parents and guardians will realise the immense possibilities for good which the Scout movement holds, and I trust that the day is not far distant when all our younger pupils will enrol as members of the School Troop. Hitherto, we have not drawn on Association funds to any extent, due to the open handed generosity of the following gentlemen:- Mr. Ho Kom Tong (founder of the Troop). Messrs. Lee Hy San, Leung Ki Ho, Lo Cheung Shiu, U To Ting, Lau Hon Sang, Woo Hay Tong, Young Shut Him, Ho Mo San, U.Rumjahn, Wong Kam Fook, Woo Lam Tin, Lo Chop Son, Choy Wai Man, Ma Dow Nam, and Dr. Wan Man Kai, who have supplied all our needs.
During the Tsing Ming holidays a number of Scouts were involved in a motor bus collision on the Castle Peak road, while proceeding to camp at Un Long. Three were injured, one fatally. The accident, which cast a gloom over scouting, evoked world wide sympathy, and letters of condolence were received from His Excellency the Governor, the Commissioner, the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave, and the Acting Commissioner, Mr. C.Champkin, and others. A special letter of commendation, addressed to S.M. Kong, for devotion to duty and endurance under great trial and distress, was received from the Chief Scout, Sir Robert Baden Powell.