The Hongkong Telegraph.
Wednesday, April 15, 1925.
香港英四月十五號 禮拜三
No 12,785
Page 3

The efficiency attained by the St. Andrew's Troop of Boy Scouts, under the capable scoutmastership of Mr. E.T.Jackson, was demonstrated in the form of a display and concert in the Church grounds on Monday night before a large attendance of parents and friends. The success of the display speaks well for the training the boys received during the year. No charge was made for admission, but a collection was taken which should considerably improve the financial condition of the troop.
The grounds and the path leading to the Church were tastefully illuminated, providing for the first half of the display, which was conducted in the open air, a scene of brightness and animation. The red and green lights supplied by the China Light and Power Co., combined with the drapings of flags, made a pleasing setting.
The programme included items of the various branches of scoutcraft and all were carried out creditably. The opening item was the construction of a bridge to the embankments along the sides of the path to the Church grounds. Physical drill by the Troop was followed by a graceful performance of pyramids on the parallel bars. After the interval two small sketches respectively illustrating the honesty and helpfulness of Scouts were given by two different patrols. The Cub Pack attached to the Church also entertained the audience with drilling. The display concluded with a camp fire scene depicting a typical evening at a Scouts' camp, with a number of songs around the camp fire.
To facilitate the work of the officers in charge of the Troop, the Rev. G.H.Lindsay during the interval emphasized that parents could help the Scouts by preventing the boys from absence on parade days. The speaker thanked the audience for their presence and support.