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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Monday, March 15, 1926.
香港英三月十五號 禮拜一

No 21,859
Page 8


Saturday's Rally.

   The popularity of the Prince of Wales' Banner competition among local Boy Scouts is increasing each year and keener rivalry is shown by the various troops in the Colony. The preliminary events for the present year were held on Saturday afternoon at the residence of H.E., Major General C.C.Luard, C.B., C.M.G.
   A number of local residents interested in the Boy Scout movement were present at the rally and these included Major General and Mrs. Luard, Colonel and Mrs. Luard, Dr. Sir Eric and Lady Stuart Taylor, Mrs. Minett, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Meville Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Talati, Mrs. Skelton, Miss Fleming, Capt. R.Q.F.Johnston, and Mr. D.W.Morley.
   Owing to His Excellency, the Governor (Sir Cecil Clementi), not being able to attend, the presentation of the Prince of Wales Banner to last year's winners did not take place.
   The entire afternoon was devoted to the various tests in scout craft and a very pleasant and successful afternoon was spent. Col. and Mrs. Robertson provided tea for the Scouts and the elders were entertained by Major General and Mrs. Luard.

   Following a short address by the Commissioner, the Rev. G.T.Waldegrave, warrants were presented to a number of Scout Officers and the proceedings concluded with cheers for Major General and Mrs. Luard.

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