The Hongkong Telegraph.
Tuesday, March 23, 1926.
香港英三月二十三號 禮拜二
No 21,859
Page 10
Interesting Competitions.
Some interesting competitions between the Dockyard Young Men's Club and the 4th Troop (Murray) Boy Scouts took place over the weekend.
The second round of the challenge issued to the Dockyard Young Men's Club by the Scouts was decided at the Chaplain's room, at the Dockyard, on Friday night, when an interesting boxing tournament was held. There were six contests on the programme, but only four took place, A.May (Scouts) and F.Baker (Club) being unable to meet T.Pile (Club) and R.Maynard (Scouts). These fights will be arranged later.
C.P.O.J.Cartlidge acted as referee and Mr. Roucher was judge.
The result of the fights was that the Scouts we three out of four. K.G.Evans (Club) met T.L.Thorn (Scouts). An excellent fight resulted, Evans showing up prominently just a round too late. The verdict went to Thorn.
N.Hackett (Club) had the better of his fight with L.Wukeford (Scouts). The former was requested to hit his opponent instead of playing about with him, and won in the second round.
N. Thorn (Scouts) accounted for J.Young (Club) and G.Fowler (Club) was a good loser to L.Oram (Scouts).
Island Race.
On Sunday the Club and the Scouts met at the Dockyard for the race round the island via the lower motor road, a distance of about 22 miles. There were three entrants from each, the winner being F.Baker (Club), who did the distance in 4 hours 45 mins., R.Maynard (Scouts) being a very good second in 4 hours 46 mins., C.Butcher (Scouts) was third. A.May (Scouts) and C.Young and E.Roberts (Club) failed to finish the course.
The football match resulted in a win for the Club by five goals to two.
Events not yet completed are tug of war, relay race, cricket, 880, 440, 220 and 100 yards.