The Hongkong Telegraph.
Tuesday, April 6, 1926.
香港英四月六號 禮拜二
No 21,859
Page 2
The annual display of scoutcraft by the St. Andrew's Troop of Boy Scouts took place in the grounds of the Church last night. As at the previous concerts organised by the Kowloon Scouts, there was a large attendance of parents and friends, and although there was no charge for admission, a considerable sum of money was collected for the troop's funds. The grounds and the Church Hall were gaily decorated and brilliantly illuminated by coloured electric lights, and the path leading from the roadway into the Hall was bedecked with flags.
The various forms of scoutcraft were demonstrated to an interested audience and the enthusiasm of the boys contributed to a creditable exhibition. The programme included games, bridge building, first aid by the cycling ambulance scouts and an exhibition of pyramids. The Hall was later utilised for the camp fire scenes and the distribution of the prizes won in the cycle race held earlier in the afternoon.