The Hongkong Telegraph.
Tuesday, May 18, 1926.
香港英伍月拾八號 禮拜二
No 21,860
Page 5 & 8

The celebrations in connection with the Jubilee of St. Joseph's College, Hongkong, culminated in a reception and concert yesterday evening, when parents of the pupils, past students of the College and friends and well wishers gathered in large numbers to congratulate the Brothers of the College and enjoy their hospitality. On this occasion the classrooms, as well as the laboratories and other adjuncts recently acquired by the College, were thrown open for inspection, the visitors including the Director of Education, Mr. A.E.Wood, (who later gave away the prizes won in last Saturday's annual sports meet) Mr. E.Ralphs and Mr. G.P.de Martin (Inspectors of Schools).
The Band of the East Surreys was in attendance and tea and refreshments were served.
Reference to the history of the institution, which is a record of steady progress both in the classrooms and on the sports fields was made by Mr. J.P.Braga, a past pupil of the College in an able speech which we give below. A highly enjoyable concert and a gymnastic display, under the direction of Staff Sergt. Hunt, gave the visitors an insight into the versatility of the College.
Rev. Brother Aimar thanked the prize donors, especially mentioning the Portuguese staff of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank for the challenge cup for the half mile, event, His Excellency the Governor, Sir Paul Chater, the British American Tobacco Company, and others. He also expressed thanks to the Hongkong Football Club for the use or their ground, the V.R.C. and the South China Association for the use of equipment. He also thanked Mr. Wood for presenting the prizes.
In reply Mr. Wood expressed the pleasure it gave him to have been asked to give away the prizes on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the College, which he said had a fine record both in sports and in study. He congratulated Figueiredo on his performances at the sports. In wishing the College long life he said that it had completed its 50 years, and all hoped it would reach a brilliant century. (Cheers).
The proceedings closed with a concert in the new College hall. A varied programme was presented by the pupils and during the course of the entertainment Mr. J.P.Braga addressed the assembly.
The entertainment was contributed to by the College choir under the direction of Rev. Fr. A.Riganti, and by Messrs. G.Y.D'Aquino, Vic. Blandall and Bert Burrows, Alberto N.da Silva and Eduardo Gosano, E.G.D'Aquino, J.Dillon and J.Roza.
Boy Scouts.
In the van of progress St. Joseph's led the way in the Boy Scouts' movement in Hongkong. When Brother Adrian was director with the help of Major (now Colonel) F.J.Bowen a College Troop was formed in October, 1913. St. Joseph's College Troop has the distinction of being the "1st Hongkong Troop of Baden Powell Boy Scouts." The present Scoutmaster, Mr. H.Braga, has been awarded the Bronze Cross of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and, at a public parade last week, received at the hands of Sir Cecil Clementi, K.C.M.G., the Governor, the "Silver Cross" of the Boy Scouts' Association for conspicuous gallantry in saving the life of a young Chinese girl.