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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Tuesday, September 28, 1926.
香港英九月廿八號 禮拜二

No 21,976
Page 9



   The Second 1926 Competition for the Prince of Wales Banner was held on Saturday, by kind permission of His Excellency Major General C.C.Luard, C.B., C.M.G., in the grounds of Headquarter House.
   The Rally would have been in the spring, but was postponed on account of the display given in May at the H.K.V.D.C. Headquarters. Owing to this and the fact that some of the Troops had not yet got into full running order after the Summer Vacation, only seven troops competed, but, as far as can be judged from such points as have already been worked out, the result is likely to prove very close.
   Tests were given in knowledge of the Scout Law, knotting, signalling, first aid, judging heights, distances, weights, etc., and in the mile at Scout's pace. This latter consists in covering one mile in as near 12 minutes as possible by alternately running and walking 20 paces, as a means of judging either time or distance when on the march. Two troops exceeded the 12 minutes by only two and four seconds respectively. Squads competing in this consisted of Patrols of six boys.
   During an interval in the proceedings, Mrs. Luard very kindly gave tea to the visitors and officers, while the Scouts and the Girl Guides, who attended as spectators, were ably catered for by Mr. G.H.Sellwood.
   At the conclusion of the Rally, the Commissioner called on the Scouts for three cheers for General and Mrs. Luard as a slight means of showing their appreciation for their great kindness on this and previous occasions of a like nature, and thanked all friends who had assisted as judges. He also announced, that the Hon. Mr. H.W.Bird had presented a challenge cup to be competed for at the annual Swimming Sports which will take place in the near future.
   The Scouts were dismissed soon after 6 p.m. after a very successful time.

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