Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Friday, November 18th, 1927.
英壹仟九百廿七年拾壹月拾捌日 禮拜伍
No. 21,640
Page 5

A meeting of the Legislative Council was held yesterday afternoon. H.E. The Officer Administering the Government (Hon. Mr. W.T.Southorn, C.M.G.), presided. There were also present H.E. The General Officer Commanding the Troops (Major Gen. C.C.Luard), the Colonial Secretary (Hon. Mr. E.R.Hallifax), the Attorney General (Hon. Sir Joseph Kemp), the Colonial Treasurer (Hon. Mr. C.Mel.Messer), the Captain Superintendent of Police (Hon. Mr. E.D.C.Wolfe), Director of Public Works (Hon. Mr. H.T.Jackman), the Secretary for Chinesc Affairs (Hon. Mr. R.A.C.North), the Hon. Sir Shouson Chow, Hon. Mr. W.E.L.Shenton, Hon. Mr. D.G.M.Bernard, Hon. Mr. R.H.Kotewall, Hon. Mr. A.C.Hynes, the Hon. Mr. J.Owen Hughes and Mr. E.W.Flamilton (Deputy Clerk of Councils).
Boy Scouts.
The Attorney General moved the first reading of a bill intituled "An Ordinance to further and protect the activities of the Boy Scouts' Association, and to incorporate the Hong Kong Branch thereof. He said: In view of the speeches made at the annual meeting of the Hong Kong Branch of the Boy Scouts' Association, which were reported in the Press that morning, it seems unnecessary to say anything about the aims and activities of that movement. Everyone knows something of those aims and activities, and they have always met with complete approval. The object of this Bill is to protect the movement in Hong Kong against undesirable imitations. The success of the Boy Scout movement is a temptation to the formation of small local organisations borrowing the titles and badges and other features of the original movement, but not subject to the control of the central authority. Imitation may be flattery but flattery is generally bad, and may sometimes be very embarrassing. Some of these local bodies which might be formed might not be bad in themselves, but they would lack the strict discipline and the careful organisation of the original Boy Scouts movement, and they might tend to confusion and to the dissipation of energy. Other local independent organisations might be distinctly bad in their tendency because they might be used for political and militaristic purposes. The Boy Scout movement, as everyone knows, is not political and it is not militaristic. This Bill, there there, proposes to protect the well known title of Boy Scouts and the Chinese equivalent. It also protects the present Boy Scouts' Association in the use of the badges and emblems which are employed by it. It also proposes to incorporate the local branch of the Association in order that it may more conveniently hold the property of the branch. I understand that most, or many at least, of the Colonial branches of the Associations have already secured the advantages of incorporation by Ordinance.
The Colonial Secretary seconded, and the Bill was read a first time.