The Hongkong Telegraph.
Thursday, March 29, 1928.
香港英三月廿九號 禮拜四
No 22,443
Page 2

A year of useful activities was reported by the Chairman at the annual meeting of the Hongkong Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals which took place in the Board Room in Messrs. Jardine Matheson's Building, last evening.
Mr. D.H.Blake, President of the Society took the Chair, and there were also present, Mr. H.V.Parker (Hon. Treasurer), Mr. B.O.Blaker (Hon. Secretary), Mr. A.Stevenson, Lady Pollock, and other members and friends of the Society.
The Chairman, in his review, said:
The past year has been a busy one for the S.P.C.A. The President, Sir Henry Pollock and Lady Pollock who have been so prominently connected with the work of the Society for many years past left the Colony for a well earned leave of absence. Unfortunately on their return Sir Henry Pollock stated that owing to his many public duties he did not feel that he could continue to act as President and therefore resigned. He however has consented to act as a Member of the Committee and to give us the benefit of his valuable assistance. Lady Pollock is also an active Member of the Committee. We are all very glad to see them in such an excellent state of health after their well earned holiday.
During the past year there has been correspondence in the newspapers as to the work of the Society and it has been most gratifying to notice what interest the general public does take in the Society. Owing to the nature of our work it is difficult to bring ourselves generally before the public.
The Boy Scouts.
The Society is cooperating with the Boy Scouts Organisation in promoting an annual competition for Boy Scouts. Every year a scheme will be given to each Boy Scout Unit wishing to compete, embodying some research or investigation relating to natural history which will be worked out by the Unit and developed in the form of an essay which will be submitted as the product of the Unit. The essays will be judged and the winning Unit will receive a challenge cup for one year and a momento. Sir Henry Pollock has presented a handsome challenge cup. Mr. Finnigan is the originator of this competition and we thank him and Mr. Waldegrave on the work they have done in completing it. We look forward with interest to the first competition which will take place quite soon.
It is to be an essay to be written as the result of a trip to be taken from Happy Valley to Aberdeen, via Queen's Road, Central Market, Dairy Farm and Victoria Road. The competitors are to state what birds and animals they saw, what they were doing and under what conditions they were kept. Weather conditions were to be noted, etc. Suggestions were also to be given as to improvements which might be indicated.
In these days of flapper voters and the like, the ladies expect equal treatment and we are anticipating every day to be approached by the Girl Guide Organisation for a similar competition. I am sure we shall welcome such overtures and will be happy to arrange for the Girl Guide Units also to compete in a similar scheme.