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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Thursday, August 8, 1929.
大英八月八號  禮拜四日

No. 27,252
Page 6



   There was a fair attendance at the concert hall of St. Patrick's Club, Garden road, last night, when the 16th Hong Kong Group (Catholic Cathedral) Boy Scouts, aided by a number of local amateur talent, gave a concert in aid of the Group Funds.
   In the absence of the President of the Group, the Rev. Fr. A.Parisotti, O.B.E., the Rev. Fr. Byrnc, S.J., Vice President, was called upon to address the audience, just before the interval. He seized on the fact that a band (which was to have opened the programme with an overture and contribute two selections), being unable to perform, on account of the indisposition of one of the players, to register a humorous protest against roping him in to fill a gap!

"A Poor Old Clergyman"

   He came there, he said, to enjoy a concert and not to speak, and he was sure that the audience also did not turn up to be talked to. It was one of the theatrical tricks that had placed them all in that position. He was surprised, because Boy Scouts were just the people they all looked to to come forward in an emergency to render first aid and save a situation, therefore the Scouts should have straightened out their own difficulties by putting on an impromptu turn to fill in the gap made by the absent band, instead of asking a "poor old clergyman, with one foot in the grave," to do it for them! (Laughter)

What Scouts Learn

   Father Byrne then spoke about the aims of the Scout movement. He said that joining the Boy Scouts did not mean learning to stand on each other's shoulders, as they had just seen done on the the stage, or how to climb over a wall. That could be done by any boy. Scouts learned more important things besides these. In their training they learned self reliance, and how to be useful to others, thus building up their character, to become useful citizens.
   In conclusion he thanked the Scouts for the fine entertainment given them that evening, and the audience for their support.

A "Vigorous" Reply

   A reply to Father Byrne's protest came in the shape of an extra turn with which the second half of the programme was opened. Three Boy Scouts, and four "Papa" Scouts, who had worn the uniform many years ago, took part in this item.
   The "Old Scouts" discorded a fine piece of music armed with a fiddle, a flute, and a cornet, each with a pitch that was not in tune with the piano! Then the Scouts saved them from a shower of rotten eggs, or what you have, by singing "Mother Mine," which touched a soft spot in every heart, and the party was allowed to get off the stage uninjured!
   The concert opened with a piano duet by the Rev. Fr. A.Riganti and Prof. Gauldi, who played a selection from Faust, and later obliged with three other well rendered pieces. Mr. J.Braga gave two violin solos, and Mr. G.A.d'Aquino, a well known amateur artiste, gave songs in Italian and English.

An Interesting "Turn"

   Then a number of Scouts gave a display which was referred to by Father Byrne as "climbing on each other's shoulder," an interesting act all the same. Last, but not least amongst the individual performers, was the Rev. Fr. Gallagher, S.J., who pleased immensely with the songs, "The Bandoliero," and the "Lost Chord." The humorous side of the programme was in the hands of Mr. M.F.Baptista, who sang something about going to war with the "photo of the girl I left behind," the sight of which caused the enemy to take flight in spite of the fact that the singer's party was out of ammunition.

"Winning a Recruit"

   The programme closed with a Scout sketch entitled "Winning a Recruit," in which Farmer Stodge, a conscientious objector, refused to allow his two sons to join the Scouts because he did not like the motto "Be Prepared," which he said was nothing but militarism. He changed his mind, however, when Boy Scouts saved one of his boys from drowning, and rescued the other from the hands of a couple of ruffians who sought to rob him. They joined up in the end. Between the acts, Scout F.Sequeira gave an appropriate recitation entitled "To Recruits."
   The cast in the sketch was as follows:-

Farmer Stodge

Mrs. Stodge

Sons: Joseph



Squire Holdacre

Dr. Killem

Police Sergeant Holdit Catchem

1st Leader

2nd Leader


Stage Manager

Rover Mate W. Lamb. (1st Central Rovers).

Mr. R.D.Baptists (16th Group).

P/L. J.Tavares. (16th Group).

Sct. F.Thomas. (16th Group).

Sct. A.Elms. (16th Group).

Rover Set. A.J.Ashlee. (1st Central Rovers).

Rover Mate W.C.Low. (1st Central Rovers).

Rover Sct. C.Wenham. (1st Central Rovers).

Scoutmaster D.W.Luke (16th Group).

Rover Mate W.C.Low. (1st Central Rovers)

Rover Mate Lau Po-iu and Rover Sct. Li Wai-tak.

Rover Mate W.Lamb.

   The thanks of the 16th Group are due to Messrs. A.S.Watson and Co., Ltd., for gift of aerated waters; to Messrs. H.Ruttonjee and Son, for gift of beer; and the British American Tobacco Co. Ltd. for gift of cigarettes, which were sold at the concert, the takings going toward the Group Fund.

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