Hongkong Sunday Herald.
Hongkong, Sunday, October 27, 1929.
中華民國十八年 歲次己巳年 九月廿五日
Vol. VI. No. 295.
Page 22

Yesterday's Swimming Sports at the V.R.C.
Maynard Breaks Fifty Yards' Record
Some thrilling and spectator enjoyable sport was provided by Scouts and Cubs of the Hong Kong Branch of the Boy Scouts' Association at their annual swimming gala, held in the bath of the Victoria Recreation Club yesterday afternoon, a great feature which was that the events, fifteen in all, were carried off promptly and punctually to the clock.
Happy looking sea scouts, boy Scouts and cubs with their masters and mistresses crowded the seating accommodation round the side of the bath when the first event stirred the smooth water at three o'clock, this being the Wolf Cubs' Race 25 yards junior, won by young John Grossman of the 4th Pack.
Keen Spectators
Among the boys there was a good sprinkling of ladies and men, who were thoroughly interested in the events.
Splash' The fifty yards senior had started And shouts of "Go on", "Put a sport on it" etc., were most encouraging. The thundering of feel soon gave the issue in favour of C.Sloan of the Taikoo Scottish Troop who finished up in the splendid time of 30 1/3 seconds.
This same scout were the 100 yards senior championship in 70 seconds.
Clever Diving
The diving on the whole was rather good, and special mention must be made of young Alee Sheldon of the Peak Pack, who did very well indeed to come around in the Cubs.
Leung Ying-tan of the Sea Scouts shone in the Senior diving.
R.Maynard clipped the record of Ho Pak-hing, made in 1926, by two fifths of a second, doing the 50 yards officers’ race on 32 seconds.
Greatest interest was shown in the relay race of the inter troops because this was the "decider" for the Challenge Cup.
Cheering, (???) shooting, yelling, and hand clapping followed the Sea Scouts' viewer after a thrilling race.
In fact, it was the most thrilling of the (???) as all those who were (???) a (???). But the 9th H.K. won second, bringing their total to 17, and winning.
At the end of the fancy race, tea was served by the Scouts to the visitors.
"Fancy Race"
Perhaps an explanation of the "fancy race" would help a little. Each competitor swam 25 yards, and when he reached the other end he got up to the parapet with no help from anyone. He then got a box of matches and lit a candle. Then carefully he would drop into the water and swim back with the lighted candle. But it was not until Grunberg, of the St. Andrew's Troops, did about three times the distance of the other swimmers, that he won, with his candle alight.
The Challenge Cups
Prior to handing out the certificates to the respective winner and the challenge cups, the Commissioner (Rev. G.T.Waldegrave) said that he was sorry to relate to the gathering in the hall of the V.R.C. that the Hon. Dr. Kotewall, the President, who was to have performed the pleasant office of giving out the prizes, was unable to be present, owing to the fact that Mrs. Kotewall was ill in hospital, and therefore he offered his apologies to the Scouts.
Continuing, Mr. Waldegrave pointed out that he had written an appeal in the forthcoming issue of the "Silver Wolf" for more cubbers. What he wanted was the ladies, because they knew more about tact with the young Cubs than the poor gray haired bearded men (Laughter). It was, said Mr. Waldegrave, more suitable for ladies who had "no jobs" to take up cubbing, as the meetings were usually held round about three in the afternoons and that, of course, would render it impossible for any man to get along at that hour. It would keep the ladies in youth, which most ladies made their perpetual aim. (Laughter).
Thanks to V.R.C.
The Commissioner went on to say that he was glad that more cub packs had entered and said that it was very encouraging to the movement.
Mr. Waldegrave said he would like to thank the Secretary and Committee of the V.R.C. for the afternoon's sport. As this bath was most central, the speaker pointed out that the Association considered itself very lucky in getting it.
Also thanks were due, firstly, to Scoutmaster Ip Choi-hing, Assistant Secretary of the Boy Scouts' Association, Hong Kong - for his arduous work in preparing all the names in type for the sports.
Secondly he thanked the Secretary and the Committee, Judges, and timekeepers, and all those who had helped to make the afternoon's sport so full of enthusiasm.
Mr. Waldegrave then handed the certificates to the winners of the races.