The China Mail.
Hongkong, Monday, December 23, 1929.
No. 27,369
Page 3

Successful Concert In City Hall
The Chinese say that in order to regain one's youth, one must live among the young people. After attending the Boy Scouts' Coming of Age concert on Saturday night at the Theatre Royal, we are beginning to think that there is a great deal or truth in that. The large audience present at the Boy Scouts' concert were literally transferred to another realm. Mundane troubles and financial problems did not worry them. All lived over childhood days again, and all were infected by genuine laughter.
The items on the programme were excellent, and the large number who turned out to give the young folk the "glance over" were well rewarded.
The curtain went up to show what the Sea Scouts could do in dancing the hornpipe and singing shanties. The Rev. N.V.Halward, as the shantyman, was true to type. How he produced a three day old whisker must remain a secret, but his rendering of the "Blow the Man Down," "Boney was a Warrior," "Shenandoah," "Bound for the Rio Grande," and "Shiver me Timbers" were really good.
The Grand Howl
Then came the Grand Howl by the Wolf Cubs. These little fellows were very business like. They took things so seriously that the audience could not hold their sides together with laughter. After the terrific howl, little Jimmy came on the stage selling the "China Mail." Two street arabs went up to him and asked him the everlasting question: "How much money he had." Jimmy was an honest boy and told them what he had made. No sooner was this said than the two urchins set upon him.
Four little Cubs came on the scene and promptly rescued Jimmy. Two got hold of the naughty urchins, and two rendered first aid to Jimmy. The bandage was tied in quite a masterly fashion, and then Jimmy was carried away.
What about the two little assailants? No, they were not treated brutally. They received a fatherly talking, and then were invited to join the Cubs so that they might mend their ways. Of course they jumped at it, and turned out to be good boys!
Jungle Dance
After treating the audience to a jungle dance and showing the way how the Union Jack was made up, the Cubs staged a boxing bout, which had Dempsey and Tunney beaten hollow. The announcer, quite a little fellow, must have learned his business from Mr. Brook.
Little Bruiser Sheldon, the Champion of the Dog Kennel at the Peak, and Pete Morris, the mosquito weight champion, then took the ring. Bang, went the first blow and Pete received the full brunt of it. He did not see "red"! Oh no! After playing "possum" a bit, he landed out a straight jab and caught the little Bruiser on the chin. A melee ensued, and both received the sleeping potion. They were counted out.
Japanese fencing, by the Japanese Troop, was amusing, instructive and laugh provoking. They certainly did not handle each other with velvet gloves. The thick bamboo descended all over each other's body and many a bad wagging the participants received.
A very pretty scene was seen when the 2nd Kowloon Company of Girl Guides rallied around their Camp Fire. Then followed the Maori War Cry of Welcome Folk Dancing, Indian Club Swinging and Chinese Action Song. These items were all well received.
"Sonny Boys"
A little "nigger" boy came on the stage, dressed in dinner jacket and with his tie arranged in the same manner as Al Jolson. He imitated this world renowned singer in the part he played in the "Singing Fool." He gang "Sonny Boy" to perfection and his American twang was flawless.
Next came the Nigger Minstrels delighting the audience with all the latest Broadway hits.
The full company then took part in the play, "Robin Hood." Each boy acted his part to perfection, particularly Friar Tuck, and King Richard in disguise.
Before the rise of the curtain and during the interval the Band of H.M.S. "Cornwell" played selections.
Robin Hood
The Cast:-
Robin Hood, Ieader of a band of Outlaws
Will Scarlatt, His Lieutenant
Long Tom, Member of the Band
Little John, Member of the Band
Friar Tuck, Member of the Band
Allen a Dale, A young Saxon, dispossessed by the Normans
King Richard (in Act. I diguised - The Stranger)
Sir Hugh de Bracey, Sheriff of Nottingham
The Abbott of Newark
Martin, a treacherous member of the band of outlaws
Edward, young outlaws
Godwin, young outlaws
An Old Man
An Old Woman
The Priest of St. Giles
Two Judges
Midland Champion.
Outlaws and Guards:-
Edward Hunt.
Chan Fook-hung.
Wong Wing-cheong.
Tam Tak-leung,
Lee Hau-kwong.
Francis Zimmern.
Ip Chee-chuen,
Yeung Tsun-chung,
Lam Yeung-hee,
Chan Fook-hong,
Tam Kam-pui,
Li Kam-lim,
Yeung Tsung-luk,
Nz Tsai-tak,
Yu Wing-lun,
Tsang Fook,