The China Mail.
Hongkong, Monday, July 27, 1931.
No. 27,859
Page 1

Weekend Camp in Kowloon.
Under Scoutmaster Borges, the Macao Group of Boy Scouts arrived here from Macao on Saturday morning, and proceeded to the mainland where they pitched camp at King's Park, on a site kindly loaned by the Club de Recreio. During the day local Scouts paid visits, and the Macao boys went sightseeing.
Yesterday morning, a parade service was held and last night a concert was held on the grounds of the Club de Recreio. There was a representative gathering of local Boy Scouts.
The Rev. E.A.Armstrong (Commissioner for Kowloon) welcomed the Macao group, Scoutmaster Borges replying amid applause.
Many items, including songs, rounds, and Scout yells comprised the entertainment. At the conclusion the gathering got into circular formation, and sang "Auld Lang Syne" after which all present stood to attention when the Macao Scouts sang the Portuguese National Anthem.