Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Wednesday, August 26, 1931.
英壹仟玖佰卅壹年捌月廿陸日 禮拜叁
No. 22,803
Page 11

The Scout Master of the 2nd Hong Kong Cathedral Catholic Group of Scouts has kindly sent us the following most interesting record of the troops recent trip to Macao. The visit was greatly overshadowed by the occurrence of the magazine explosion, but despite its deep sorrow the Colony gave the young visitors a very happy time.
In return for the visit of the 12th Grupo (Escoteiros de Portugal) from Macao the 2nd Hong Kong Catholic Cathedral Group of Boy Scouts left Hong Kong on Wednesday, August 12, by the s.s. Venezia for our neighbouring colony, and stayed there for a week.
The party consisted of 37 Scouts under the leadership of Chaplain Rev. Fr. E.Teruzzi and Scoutmaster D.W.Luke.
After attending Mass and Communion at the Hong Kong Cathedral the Scouts marched with their colours flying to the Douglas Pier where they boarded the Venezia. On arrival at Macao a party of Macao Scouts formed a Guard of Honour to welcome the Scouts from Hong Kong, and helped also to transport the baggage, etc.
The Hong Kong and Macao Scouts (under the County Commissioner, Mr. A.Borges) - together about 100 strong - with all their colours flying marched through the principle thoroughfares, accompanied by the drums of the Macao Scouts. The route was lined by crowds who had gathered to catch a glimpse of the Scouts, verandahs and windows were soon filled with people, and at some cross roads police held up the traffic for a few minutes to let the Scout Groups march past.
The day was hot but in spite of this a large number of boys followed the Scouts from the wharf to the residence of Mr. Borges where refreshments were served to the Scouts.
The Scouts then marched to their headquarters (kindly placed at their disposal by the Salisian Fathers in Macao) where they were received by the Director of the College and given full honours by their brass band. They all then went straight to the Chapel and paid a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. After they had been billeted at their quarters a rest was ordered.
The Explosion.
On Thursday, August 13, the Scouts were awakened by a terrific shock, window glass was shattered and it was learned later that a dreadful explosion had happened at the Arsenal. Immediately telegrams were dispatched to their Hong Kong Headquarters and the Hong Kong newspapers that all Scouts were safe and that no damage had been done to their quarters. The Troop then marched to St. Domingo Church where Mass was heard in honour of Our Lady of Fatima. Before leaving, the Rector of the Church gave to each Scout a souvenir. The Macao Scouts were not present in full force because they were busily engaged at the scene of the disaster.
As soon as breakfast was over the Group went to the scene of disaster to see whether they could be of any service there. The officials there informed them that as everything was not cleared and the exact situation unknown it would not be wise for them to be near and accordingly they departed. The scene there was indeed pitiful and they were very sorry on arrival to find that the uncle and cousin of one of the Hong Kong Scouts had been killed. Permission was obtained for this Scout to visit his relations.
Sad Scenes.
On Friday, August 14, the Group in company with the Macao Scouts marched to the military Hospital with full mourning (the Scouts, officers and Group Colours were all draped in black) where they led the solemn funeral procession to the cemetery, passing through the main thoroughfares. At the entrance the Group formed a Guard of Honour to the corteges. The Group also sent a wreath in the shape of a fleur de lis. At the firing of the feu de joi the Scouts saluted. After this the Scouts departed and in their faces one could notice that they also shared in the mourning for this terrible disaster and more specially as the relatives of their own member were among the victims.
Before attending the funeral the Scouts paid a visit to Cameon's Grotto where the County Commissioner of Macro explained in short the history of Cameon and the alert the Scouts of Hong Kong paid their respects to the great poet. A photo was then taken together with the Macao Scouts.
Early in the morning the Group marched to the wharf where they formed a Guard of Honour to H.E. Mgr. H.Valtorta Vicar Apostolate of Hong Kong their Controlling Authority who was arriving from Hong Kong.
In the evening special prayers were said for the repose of the souls of the unfortunate victims.
Typhoon Threat.
On Saturday at the least of Our Lady's Assumption, special Mass was said It had been intended to pay a visit on this day to Chung Sang the birthplace of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, but owing to the rain and threatening typhoon this was unavoidably cancelled, and instead leave was given to the Scouts to go out shopping.
On Saturday the Group attended special Mass at the Chapel, celebrated by the Chaplain. This day was specially reserved for the visit of the Scouts' parents from Hong Kong, but owing to the typhoon they were unable to come. It was indeed unfortunate as the parents would have had an opportunity of seeing how beneficial Scouting is for their sons. In fact the Group Officers had prepared a special welcome and display so as to give the parents an understanding of Scouting in general.
During the night the Salisian Fathers with their Pathe cinema gave the Scouts an hour's laughter by showing some comedy film which was greatly enjoyed by everyone.
On Monday, August 17 the funeral of the Chinese victims took place. The Group formed a Guard of Honour to His Excellency the Governor at the Kian Wu Hospital and also paid their respects to the unfortunate victims.
A Fine Bathing Beach.
In the afternoon the Group went a little outside of Macao for a swim, and this was enjoyed immensely as the beach is an extremely find one.
In the evening the Group was invited to dinner by the Macao Scouts and real justice was done to the excellent meal provided. The Director of the Salisian College and Fr. Jean were also present.
The County Commissioner of the Macao Scouts in a few words thanked the Hong Kong Scouts for their visit to Macao and expressed regret that owing to the rain and threatening typhoon nothing had been done in the way of sightseeing. He also hoped that this would only be the beginning of a series of visits from Scouts of these two Colonies.
Scoutmaster D.W.Luke replied on behalf of the Group and thanked the Director of the Salisian College for his kindness in allowing the Scouts to stay at their College and hoped that before long a new Group would be started at the Salisian College.
There were a large number of guests, both ladies and gentlemen, at this Sing Song, and the songs and yells were well applauded. The guests in fact joining in some of the choruses of their favourite songs, and encores had to be given on many occasions. The Macao Scouts rendered excellent selections of their national songs.
With the Group at the alert the Scoutmaster from Hong Kong presented a photo to the Macao Scouts as a remembrance of the friendship between these two Groups.
Inspection by the Governor.
On Tuesday, August 18, Chaplain Rev. Fr. E.Teruzzi, and Scoutmaster D.W.Luke were presented to His Excellency the Governor of Macao in company with the County Commissioner of Boy Scouts of Macao (Mr. A.Bores) His Excellency was very pleased and converged with officers on the Scout Movement. His Excellency then accompanied by the Scout Officers inspected the Scouts from Hong Kong who were drawn up at the Court Yard, and was very much impressed by their appearance. A photo taken on the occasion of the visit of the Macao Scouts to Hong Kong was then given to H.E. as a remembrance of the visit of the Scouts to Macao, and the Scoutmaster thanks H.E. for kindly consenting to see the Scouts and for honouring them by accepting the photo. His Excellency was very pleased that the Hong Kong Scouts had attended the funeral of the unfortunate victims of the disaster.
As the Group was leaving that day they have no time to accept H.E.'s kind invitation in come up to the palace, and after giving him three cheers and their group yell the Group saluted His Excellency and returned to their quarters where preparations were made for their departure for Hong Kong.
At the wharf the Macao Scouts together with the County Commissioner and the Director of the Salisian College and Fr. Juan came and said goodbye. The Director gave each Scout a medal of Don. Basco as a souvenir.
With cheers and singing the Scouts shouted till they were nearly hoarse and at 2.10 p.m the Venezin left, and when they were about 100 yards away a message was received by semaphore from the Macao Scouts at the wharf wishing them bon voyage, in a similar way a message of thanks was sent in return.
The trip to Macao was enjoyed by everyone. They were received and treated with extreme courtesy by the Scouts and people of Macao and the friendships that were formed and the lessons in Scouting spirit learned by mixing with Scouts of another Colony were indeed worth the trouble taken by those who arranged the trip and it is indeed hoped that more trips of this sort will take place in the near future not only between Hong Kong and Macao but elsewhere too. The trip was only marred by the unfortunate disaster and the death of the relatives of one of our Scouts, and they were able to show their real sympathy by attending the funerals and mourning officially as a Group.
A few words of thanks must be given to the parents too, in allowing their sons to undertake this trip. As they were prevented from being present at the display arranged for them at Macao it is hoped they will visit the Group one day and so be more interested in the Boy Scout Movement which is doing so much good all over the world.