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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Saturday, March 5, 1932.

No. 28,048
Page 11



Departure of Two Keen Members.


   At the usual weekly meeting of the 1st Kowloon (St. Andrew's) Boy Scouts Troop held at their headquarters - St. Andrew's Church Hall - on Thursday evening, presentations to two members - Troop Leader John Miller and Scout Dick Branch - were made, prior to their impending departures from the Colony, the former for Latvia and the latter for New Zealand. The presentation to each took the form of two mounted group photographs of the Troop, one of which was autographed by every member, and "A Hong Kong Sketch Book" by S.A.Sweet.

   In making the presentation, the Scoutmaster (Mr. R.Dormer) said that the Troop would miss John and Dick very much. John had been Troop Leader for quite a while and, as such, had been "a pillar of strength," and he would, especially, be missed. Dick had always been loyal and had backed the Troop up in every way, and there was no getting away from that. His parents, too, had always held a keen watching, brief over the Troop. On behalf of the Troop, he asked them both to accept the gifts as tokens of appreciation for what they had done. He wished them both bon voyage and every success, and expressed the hope that St. Andrew's losses would mean other's gains.

   Three rousing cheers and a "tiger" were then given by the Troop to their departing comrades.

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