The China Mail.
Hongkong, Tuesday, May 31, 1932.
No. 28,121
Page 7

Volunteers, Scouts and Guides.
On Sunday the Catholic Girl Guides of the Colony celebrated the coming of age of their movement by attending High Pontifical Mass at the Cathedral, at which his Lordship Bishop H.Valtorta officiated.
The 2nd Hong Kong Group of Boy Scouts were also present at the Service, after which the Guide Captain, in the presence of the Bishop and the Rev. Fr. G.Byrne, S.J., Vice President of Catholic Scouts, declared open the new Headquarters of the Catholic Scouts in the ground floor of the Cathedral bell tower.
After the ceremony, the Guides were invited to breakfast by the Scouts. In the afternoon both Scouts and Guides attended the open air procession in the Cathedral compound, which was attended by a large number of Catholics from all parts of the Colony.
The same morning, at 9.30, a section of the Portuguese Company of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps attended Church Parade at the Cathedral under the command of Lieut. S.Jarvis, M.C.
Other Officers of the Company present were Lieut. J.S.Rodrigues, 2/Lieut. J.H.Lawrence, 2/Lieut. J.V.V.dos Remedios, and 2/Lieut. H.J.Silva.