The China Mail.
Hongkong, Thursday, April 27, 1933.
No. 28,401
Page 7
Interesting Travels Of German Party.
Dressed in corduroy shorts and leggings and with open necked shirts showing the result of extensive travels, five German singing Scouts with rucksacks on their backs arrived in Hong Kong yesterday morning by the Norwegian steamer Sandviken from Shanghai.
Under the command of Rudolph Schafer, Hans Jansen, Hubert Giffels, Hans Spech and Richard Becker left Krefeld, in the Lower Rhine early in May last year, travelling overland through Holland. They arrived in London a month later and were feted by the London Boy Scouts Division, later, leaving for Southampton, where they boarded a Nordeutscher Lloyd vessel for New York.
From New York the Scouts travelled overland, paying their own way and living in tents and cooking their own food wherever they could. Arriving in Philadelphia they were met by a delegation of American Scouts. Here their singing so enchanted the city, that they were asked to broadcast over the radio. The greatest ambition of their tour was fulfilled when they came to Washington, and were invited by President Hoover to the White House.
There their fame as a band of singers had already proceeded them, and they were invited to broadcast over the Radio from the White House, the broadcast being relayed to Germany.
Leaving Washington after a stay of three weeks, the Scouts travelled to Medicine, Wisconsin, via Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago and Milwaukee.
At Medicine they bought a Ford motor car and from there travelled a distance of over 8,000 miles through the United States. They traversed vast prairies, the desert between Salt Lake City and Los Angeles and the Rocky Mountains.
From Los Angeles they travelled North to San Francisco, Portland and Seattle.
They left the United States after eight months of travel and arrived in Shanghai after a short stay in Japan, during which they touched at Yokohama and Osaka.
Scout Rudolf Schafer told the China Mail they intended staying in Hong Kong for about a week before going on to the Dutch East Indies.