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The Hongkong Telegraph.

Thursday, October 25, 1934.
香港英十月廿五號 禮拜四


No 14431
Page 9



   A most successful concert was held by the 4th. Hongkong (Murray) and 4th. Kowloon (Garrison) Troops of Boy Scouts, at the China Fleet Club last night. A large audience was present and the programme was greatly enjoyed.
   There is no doubt that the committee responsible for the concert achieved their aim. Many delightful items were presented, and all earned their share of applause. The following local artistes were among those who gave their support.- Mrs. W.Sinclair, Misses Daisy O'Keefe, Stella and Helen Ho, E.Banker, Mrs. Gurwitch Frishman, the Rev. J.N.Lewis Bryan, Professor F.Gonzales and Messrs. H.Bunje, Trowt, King, Kime, Goble, and V.Sanders.
   The dance band of the South Wales Borderers also rendered popular selections, by the kind permission of the Officer Commanding and Officers.
   The Rev. Mr. Lewis Bryan, popularly known as "The Army Chaplain of Mirth," gave a humorous item, and kept the audience rocking with laughter. Among the other outstanding performers were "The Imps" Quartette, comprising the talented four of the Lincolnshire Regiment, Messrs. King, Trowt, Kime and Goble, who were rewarded with loud applause.
   Owing to the indisposition of Miss Helen Ho, Miss Stella Ho appeared alone and gave a delightful exhibition of the Skater's Waltz, with Miss E.Banker at the piano. Three beautiful violin selections were rendered by Professor F.Gonzales, who earned well merited applause. A serenade rendered by Mrs. W.Sinclair, a flute obligato by Mr. Trowt, with interpretation by Miss Daisy O'Keefe, also received the marked approval of the audience.
   Interesting items were presented by the 4th. Kowloon Troop and 4th. Hongkong Troop, entitled "Shadow Play," and "Broadcasting," and were both well received.
   The Iatter item was highly amusing. It presented a radio fan tuning in and confusing four different stations, when a doctor, busman, baker and a musician, were giving their weekly lectures. The result, of course, was ludicrous. The Grand Scout Finale, which was a presentation of a typical camp fire scene, brought the evening to a close.
   The proceeds of the concert are to be devoted to the funds of the 4th. Hongkong and 4th. Kowloon Troops.

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