The Hongkong Telegraph.
Monday, October 29, 1934.
香港英十月廿九號 禮拜一
No 14434
Page 12

Over 260 boys attended the second Boy Scouts Rally for the Prince of Wales Banner in the grounds of St. Andrew's Church, Kowloon, on Saturday afternoon. The rally was the biggest that has been held in Hongkong for a considerable period, and proved a success in every way.
District Scoutmaster R.Dormer, who is acting Commissioner was in charge of the rally, while Mr. Stephen Mitchell was the chief examiner. The Rev. N.V.Halward, Colony Commissioner, was unable to attend owing to indisposition.
The following were the competitions:- Whipping the end of a rope; Making a fire and boiling a pint of water; Morse Signalling; Kim's game; and a Troop competition.
The troop competition saw teams of 12 Scouts building a lean to shelter, flag staff, and tripod entirely out of scout staves. At the end each team had to fly a flag from its flag staff.
The results of the afternoon's events were reported to be very satisfactory, but will not be available for a day or two.
The final Rally, which will be held on December 1 at Sai Wan, will decide the winner of the banner.
The troops present on Saturday were:- 1st, Hongkong Sea Scout; 2nd. H.K.; 7th. H.K.; 10th. H.K.; 13th. H.K.; 15th. H.K.; 1st. Kowloon; 5th. Kowloon; 6th. Kowloon and 11th. Kowloon.