Hongkong Daily Press.
Hongkong, Monday, December 31, 1934.
英壹仟玖佰卅肆年拾弍月卅壹日 禮拜壹
No. 23838
Page 11

King's Message To Australia
London, Dec. 29.
The world "Jamboree" of Boy Scouts was opened at Frankson, Australia, today by the Governor General, Sir Isaac Isaacs in the presence of the Chief Scout Lord Baden Powell and a large gathering.
The Governor General read to the assembled scouts the following message from His Majesty the King: "I am watching with interest and pleasure the uninterrupted growth of the Boy Scout and Girl Guide movements throughout the Empire and I trust that the spirit of brotherhood and comradeship will make a real contribution to the welfare of the Empire and the peace and prosperity of the world."
British Wireless.