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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Friday, February 1, 1935.

No. 28,948
Page 14


Neatly Arrested By Boy Scouts

   Mrs. P.J.Storeman, of No. 260, Prince Edward Road, Kowloon, appeared as the complainant against Lau Kwong Wing, unemployed, who was charged with the theft of her hand bag, before Mr. E.I.Wynne Jones at the Central Magistracy this morning. Accused was sentenced to four months' hard labour and 12 strokes with the birch, but if found unfit for the birch he would serve a further two months in gaol.
   Master Roy Maxwell, with six other Boy Scouts of the Second Hong Kong Catholic Cathedral Troop, were congratulated by Mr. Wynne Jones for effecting the arrest of defendant.
   Mrs. Storeman stated that about 5.45 p.m. yesterday, just as she had passed St. John's Cathedral, halfway down Battery Path, going towards Queen's Road, defendant came up from behind and snatched her bag. She gave chase and shouted.
   In the chase she came across a European couple. Realising what had happened, the gentleman pursued accused. She then lost sight of them, but identified accused in the dock as the man who snatched her bag.
   When she reached Garden Road she saw the Scouts holding the thief.
   Mrs. Andrews, of No. 15, Bowen Road, gave evidence to the effect that she saw accused, with the bag under his arm, running past her, while she was on her way to the Peak Tram terminus. She looked back and also saw a European pursuing him.
   Half way down Garden Road she saw him throw away the bag. Attempting to clear a wall of Murray Barracks, he fell and was caught by the Boy Scouts.
   After hearing the evidence of Master Roy Maxwell, the magistrate called the other six Scouts and congratulated them for their excellent work.
   Accused insisted that he was not the man who snatched the bag, but that he was pursuing the real culprit.
   Detective Sergeant Kinnear conducted the prosecution.

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