The Hongkong Telegraph.
Monday, March 11, 1935.
香港英三月十一號 禮拜一
No 14536
Page 9
At a scout rally at Volunteer Headquarters on Saturday afternoon, an Inter Troop competition was held for the Prince of Wales Banner. The competition is the first of three to take place this year.
The various troops were inspected by the local Scout Commissioner, the Rev. N.V.Halward, Paymaster Commander K.Lawder, C.B.E., R.N., of the Deep Sea Scouts, was the judge.
The competition consisted of four events comprising ambulance work, uses of the scout stave, deduction, and a compass test. The competing troops were also required to give a five minute entertainment each. For this event a team of six boys from each troop was allowed, and in the other events a team of four boys were drawn from each troop.
The troops present were, the Sea Scouts; 1st Hongkong Troop (St. Joseph's); 2nd Hongkong Troop (Cathedral R.C.); 4th Hongkong Troop (Murray Barracks); 7th Hongkong Troop (King's ColIege); 10th Hongkong (St. Paul's College); 13th Hongkong Troop (no official name); 15th Hongkong Troop (Wah Yan College); 1st Kowloon Troop (St. Andrew's); 4th Kowloon Troop (Garrison); 5th Kowloon Troop (Roving Fifth); 6th Kowloon Troop (Diocesan Boys' School); and 11th Kowloon Troop (Wah Yan College.)
The results of the tests have yet to be worked out.