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The China Mail.

Hongkong, Thursday, May 9, 1935.

No. 29,029
Page 7


Girl Guides Beat Scouts At Marching

GLORIOUS sunshine streamed down on the 800 Scouts, Guides, Wolf Cubs and Brownies from Hong Kong, Canton and Macao, who took part in the Jamborally held in honour of His Majesty's Jubilee on the Hong Kong Football Club ground yesterday afternoon.
   Never before in the history of the Colony has a youth movement held a demonstration like this on such a vast scale.
   Every available seat was taken while the covered stand held many of the most prominent residents in the Colony.
   These youngsters proved yesterday that all the lack in comparison with their older counterparts, who gave their review on Tuesday, is experience.
   The spectators demonstrated their appreciation with loud cheers, the efforts of the younger ones being especially well applauded.

   His Excellency, the Governor, Sir William Peel, K.B.E., K.C.M.G, Chief Scout of Hong Kong, and Lady Peel, President of the Girl Guides Association, attended by Captain Walter, A.D.C., arrived promptly at four o'clock. The Jamborally commenced with the march past, and this was the most impressive sight of all.

Carton And Macao Units

   About 80 Scouts and ten girl Scouts from Canton and 90 Scouts from Macao took part in the rally. The Hong Kong units taking part were:- Scouts, under the Rev. N.V.Halward, M.C., Colony Commissioner.- 1st Hong Kong (Sea Scouts), 1st Hong Kong (St. Joseph's College), 2nd Hong Kong (Catholic), 4th Hong Kong Murray), 5th Hong Kong (Ching Hua College), 7th Hong Kong (King's College), 10th Hong Kong (St. Paul's College), 11th Hong Kong (Peak Pack), 12th Hong Kong (Queen's College), 13th Hong Kong (Central Chinese), 14th Hong Kong (V.B.S. Pack), 15th Hong Kong (Wah Yan College), 17th Hong Kong (Chung Nan College), 18th Hong Kong (Cheung Chau Government School), 19th Hong Kong (St. Stephen's College), 20th Hong Kong (1st Shameen Pack), 1st Kowloon (St. Andrew's), 4th Kowloon (Garrison), 5th Kowloon (Roving Fifth), 6th Kowloon (1st Diocesan Boys' School), 7th Kowloon, 8th Kowloon (C.Y.C.), 9th Kowloon (Dyer's Own), 10th Kowloon (Taipo), 11th Kowloon (Wah Yan College), 12th Kowloon (Wolf Cub Pack) and Deep Sea Scouts; Girl Guides under Lady Southorn, 1st Hong Kong (Garrison), 2nd Hong Kong (St. Paul's Girls' College), 3rd and 4th Hong Kong (Belilios), 5th Hong Kong (Holy Spirit), 6th Hong Kong Miu Fong Girls' School), 1st Kowloon (Central British School), 2nd and 3rd Kowloon (Diocesan Girl's School), 4th Kowloon (Victoria Home), 5th Kowloon (St. Mary's) and 6th Kowloon (Maryknoll); Brownies, 1st Peak Pack, 2nd Garrison Pack, 3rd Quarry Bay Pack, 4th Belilios Pack, 5th Kowloon Pack and 6th French Convent.

   First came the Boy Scouts, matching to martial music played by the Band of the 1st. Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment, each scoutmaster of the respective troops leading the way, while colour bearers carried the troop colours and the Union Jack.
   Following immediately behind were the Girl Guides, dressed completely in white and making a direct contrast with the khaki of the Scouts. Another contrast, but this time not by intention, was the faultless straight lines and good time of the Guides, as compared with the occasional straggling of the Scouts. This was so apparent that the spectators rose as one and gave them a well deserved cheer.

Proud Cubs

   Next came the Cubs, many of them very young, marching proudly past under capable leadership. The Brownies came tripping out holding hands and presented a fine sight as they circled the field. His Excellency took the salute.
   After the march past all units formed a circle in the centre and the ceremony of Dipping the Colours was observed to the strains of the National Anthem. The Guide Colony Standard was presented by Lady Peel to the Colony Commissioner, Lady Southorn. This was followed by the Grand Howl rendered in fitting manner by the Wolf Cubs and Brownies.
   Scouts holding the Pioneer Badge, and selected from all the troops in Hong Kong, then gave a remarkable display of bridge building. One moment they were all running here and there carrying poles and planks and a short time later an efficacious bridge stood in the middle of the ground.

Tent Building

   Meanwhile exhibitions of tent building and enclosure building were going on in other parts of the ground. The ground was soon transformed into a scout instruction camp. The gymnastic display was also well applauded.
   A colourful spectacle was the floral pageant of the Guides and Brownies. Each girl carried a spray of flowers, and, forming circles all over the ground, they gave a most attractive display. The climax was reached when the Guides formed an archway of flowers and several brownies, dressed in vari coloured skirts, ran up this aisle to make presentations to His Excellency.

Grand Finale

   The public were then invited to walk around the grounds and inspect the handicraft work of the Scouts and Guides.
   The grand finale came when several Brownies appeared, each bearing a placard with a letter spelling out "God Save The King."

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